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The Truth About Panic Attacks and Their Effects on the Body

Human beings automatically react to a stressful situation by becoming mentally and physically prepared to defend themselves or flee the situation. Known as “fight or flight” reactions, it is a normal reaction to any situation and is what has kept humans safe since the beginning of time. However, anxiety often causes people to remain in this heightened sense of preparedness and that can have a physical toll on your body.

Anxiety and Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is the stress hormone released by your body to help you become more “aware” of a situation. High levels of cortisol in your body for extended periods of time can lead to:
• Heart disease and heart problems
• High blood pressure
• Weight gain without being able to lose weight
• Insomnia

High cortisol levels are also being studied at this time for connection with other serious diseases.

Anxiety And Gastrointestinal Disorders

In a recent study conducted at Harvard Medical, researchers discovered that people who suffer with high anxiety levels are also at a much higher risk for suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and similar disorders. Researchers also found that those who suffered with high anxiety levels were 30 percent more likely to suffer from these conditions at a more severe level. More hospitalizations and medical care was required for those suffering with gastrointestinal disorders who also suffered from anxiety.

Anxiety and Respiratory Disorders

Doctors have recently discovered that people who have anxiety often have trouble with their respiratory system more often than those who do not. Studies are currently being conducted to determine if this is because the anxiety causes the lung area to constrict more often than normal which in turn causes damage. 

Doctors already understand that people who suffer from asthma and COPD and have anxiety issues are more likely to suffer more severe attacks or be hospitalized from their condition. 

Anxiety and Heart Disease

Two separate studies, one conducted by a group of Canadian Universities and one by Harvard Medical show that people who have heart disease will experience worse symptoms and are more likely to have a heart attack when anxiety is present.

Both of these studies showed that women were more likely to suffer from more severe heart problems when heart disease and anxiety were combined. The study also showed that people who suffer high anxiety from phobias as opposed to other forms of anxiety like PTSD suffered the greatest side effects when anxiety and heart disease were combined.

Treating Anxiety

Everyone experiences bouts of anxiety. Doctors normally do not consider anxiety a problem unless it has continually lasted for over six months and the anxiety is causing interruptions in your life. 

Treatments for anxiety can include many different therapies. Medication may not be necessary and many people can overcome their anxieties through therapy sessions and behavioral changes. Many people can even overcome anxiety by learning relaxation techniques such as meditation.

It is very important, however, that you seek help for anxiety. Anxiety not only can cause mental health distress for you, it can also cause physical health problems. Once these additional issues arise, the anxiety can be intensified and the problems will only become worse.

If you only experience anxiety in certain situations, try learning some relaxation techniques to help relieve the symptoms. This may come as meditation, relaxing with a hobby, or even simply taking a nice afternoon nap. If you cannot find a way to decrease your anxiety speak to someone and ask for help.

The Truth About Ulcers

A frustrating pain in your stomach or gut may be more than just indigestion. Millions of people suffer from ulcers around the world, and they often go untreated or misdiagnosed. An ulcer means that you have an opening in your digestive system where acids can irritate the mucous-membrane lining. The pain emanates from this damaged area. Learn the truth about ulcers so that you can pinpoint one before it worsens.

It's Not About Stress

The collective wisdom in the past pointed to stress as the leading cause for ulcers. When people dealt with too much stress, their stomachs produced excess acid that ate away at the lining. Although this theory was accepted for many years, most doctors don't put much confidence in that thinking today. There's normally an underlying cause besides excess stomach acid that's creating the ulcers. If stomach acid alone was the problem, almost everyone would have an ulcer by the time they were in their 40s or 50s.

Bacteria's Role

Most doctors agree that ulcers are commonly created because of a certain bacteria present in the digestive system. Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that's been discovered in a huge number of ulcer sufferers. Doctors can't say that it's the primary cause for all ulcers because the bacteria isn't always present. However, 80 to 90 percent of ulcers found today have this bacteria nearby. It's possible that the bacteria and stomach acid work together to form the ulcer, which is further irritated by the acidity of the environment.

They Occur in Multiple Areas

The truth about ulcers includes their numerous locations. You're probably familiar with the stomach ulcer that was made famous back in the 1980s. Other ulcers are possible in the esophagus and duodenum. All of these ulcers have different causes that are associated with their locations. You may feel a burning sensation in multiple areas, but the ulcer is really only isolated to one location. Visiting your doctor is the only way to pinpoint the ulcer's origination point. Most people will only have one ulcer. Esophageal ulcers are incredibly rare so most diagnoses are limited to the stomach or duodenum.

Blood Types Matter

Researchers are also making a distinction between ulcer patients who have different blood types. Type O blood doesn't have a particular component that's common to other types. This substance typically resides on the outside of the blood cells, which contributes to protective linings in the digestive system. Because of this difference, researchers believe that type O people have an increased chance for duodenum ulcers. Further research is necessary, but type-O people should be more aware of this possible occurrence. 

Over-the-Counter Medication Influences

Ulcers are also connected to medication use. Overuse of ibuprofen and aspirin are the main culprits. When these medications are taken on a regular basis, they can irritate the digestive system's lining. Aspirin tends to be more of an issue because older people take it for cardiovascular or pain needs. If an ulcer develops in people who take regular medications, their doctors may need to alter their dosage or change the drug type. An ulcer can be healed if the causal effect is removed from the equation.

In some cases, an ulcer might point to other issues developing in your body. When you suspect an ulcer, visit your doctor for an entire workup. They'll test your blood along with other evaluations to verify the reasoning behind the ulcer. You can work on recovery at that point with a clean bill of health otherwise.

The Truth About Muscle Quality

Your muscles perform many functions in your body. Most people understand that they need their muscles to move about and complete basic tasks. However, many people do not realize that their muscles also help with many other functions in their body. Having good muscle quality is essential to good health.

What Is Muscle Quality?

Muscle quality is when your muscles are working at their top performance. This means that they are strong and lean and that they withstand the normal rigors of the day. Quality muscles move easily and can be pushed a little harder when necessary.

Benefits Of Having High Quality Muscles

In addition to being able to complete tasks a little more easily, there are also several other benefits to having quality muscles. These benefits include:

• Better Digestion. Your digestive system works by contracting muscles to move foods through the system. When your muscles are working at peak performance, foods are absorbed better and toxins are removed more easily from the system.
• Better Hormone Balance. Your muscles are responsible for sending signals to the brain for hormone releases. When your muscles function properly, your brain triggers more of the good hormones and less of the bad ones. This allows you to manage your weight better and feel better physically.
• Reduction In Inflammation. When you can move around more easily, your body fights inflammation in your body. Inflammation has been connected to arthritis, heart disease, and many other illnesses.
• Reduce Type II Diabetes Risk. Your muscles need glycose to function. When your muscles are burning off the sugars in your system you are less likely to become insulin resistant and store these sugars as fat. This significantly reduces your risk for developing diabetes.
• Balance. As your muscles work properly, your skeleton will remain more balanced. One of the leading causes of injuries to people over 50 years of age is from falling from losing their balance. 

Of course, being more physically fit also allows you to enjoy a more active lifestyle. 

How To Achieve Quality Muscles

Achieving quality muscles will not require you to dedicate all your free time to the gym or submit yourself to very intense workouts. You can improve the quality of your muscles by adding a simple exercise routine to your day.

For the best results, you will want a routine that uses all of your muscle groups. You can do this through stretching, lifting weights, using exercise machines, or even dancing. Dedicate at least five minutes to each of your major muscle areas: legs, upper body, arms, and cardio. With just 20 minutes a day, you can improve your muscle and general health.

Even if you are not physically active now, you can improve muscle quality. Start slow and add a little more as you increase your strength and stamina. Every little bit helps. Every extra step taken is an improvement to your health. Every minute you dedicate to this will improve your overall satisfaction with your physical health and abilities.

In addition to changing your exercise habits, also look at what you eat. If you are going to use your muscles more, it is wise to add some protein to your diet. Protein feeds your muscles and gives you energy without the sugar crash. You can find protein in lean meats, nuts, and eggs. You do not have to eat a lot, but adding some protein, and eliminating some sugar or carb based foods will give your muscles the nutrition they need to work at peak performance.

4 Things You didn't Know About Allergies

4 Things You didn't Know About Allergies

Dealing with allergies is never fun. Though different symptoms manifest in different ways, allergies affect millions of Americans every year. Allergies themselves occur when the body mistakes a relatively harmless object for an unwanted invader. Whether it is plant pollen or animal dander, there are numerous allergy triggers present everywhere. Though many people know their triggers, there are still many aspects of allergies that some people are unfamiliar with. By learning more about allergies, people stand a better chance of defending themselves as the weather begins to change.

Air Conditioning Helps Reduce Triggers

Studies show that having an active air conditioner in the house or car can help you cut your exposure to pollen by upwards of 30 percent. Because the air conditioner also filters the air, unwanted contaminants are removed from your space and hurled outside. Additionally, when you have your AC on, you are much less likely to keep your windows open, which is another great way to cut down on your exposure to pollen. For people who struggle with pollen-related allergy triggers, this can mean the difference between a sudden headache and cleaner breathing.

Clean Stuffed Animals Frequently

Many people are unaware that stuffed toys and animals are massive carriers for all types of allergy triggers. Dust mites, dust particles and animal dander cling to fabrics, such as those found on most stuffed animals. If you do not want to trigger any of your allergy symptoms, be sure to give your animals a good clean once every month or so. If you live in a dustier environment, it may not hurt to clean them a little more frequently.

Dust Mites Hate Heat

When you need to wash your upholstery and sheets to keep the dust mites out, try to aim for between 120 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit when you put your fabrics in the wash. Studies show that this is the temperature that kills most dust mites and keeps them from repopulating the surface of your fabrics. Proper cleaning is one of the best ways to keep dust mites out of your home.

Even Hypoallergenic Pets May Contain Allergens

Though many hypoallergenic pets do not shed frequently and do not contribute to the indoor air pollution problem, they may still be a beacon for dust mites and dust. Keep your furry friends well-groomed and trimmed as often as is recommended, regardless of how allergen-free their fur may be.
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