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Showing posts with label digestion. Show all posts

4 Foods that Help Digestion

Before you reach for a laxative the next time you are feeling constipated or bloated, consider changing your diet to include these four foods that are known to improve overall digestion. The below food options are low in calories and allow your body to digest food more efficiently. Instead of taking a pill when you are having difficulty with digestion, you can make permanent changes to your diet that will support a healthier lifestyle.

Chia Seeds

While these small seeds may not have a full flavor, they do wonders for your help. Just two tablespoons of chia seeds a day can reduce inflammation and aid your bowel movements. Chia seeds are also an amazing source to fulfill your daily fiber needs. When you eat foods that are high in fiber, you end up feeling fuller longer, which helps you to get a grip on snacking throughout the day.

Coconut Oil

This is a great replacement for other cooking oils because it has been shown to speed up metabolism and is a very healthy fat. Its antimicrobial properties assist with digestion and can boost your energy levels in the process. Coconut oil can be ingested directly or used as a cooking substitute.


This is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Salmon has been shown to reduce bad cholesterol levels and improve heart health. The healthy oils and fats in salmon can help your body remove harmful toxins.


Ghee is a clarified version of butter that can be found in most organic food aisles. Instead of backing up the digestive process, it helps to facilitate the breakdown of food and eliminates bloat by stimulating stomach acids. It is also lower in calories and unhealthy fats and stays fresh at room temperature much longer than traditional butter can. 

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