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Showing posts with label red meat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red meat. Show all posts

Red Meats and Cancer Scare

Meat plays a big role in the average United States diet, but recent news that some types of meat can cause cancer has caused many of us to take a long look at what and how we eat. According to the World Health Organization, bacon, hot dogs, sausage and other processed meats could increase the risk of breast cancer and malignancies in the colon while red meat is associated with malignancies in the kidneys. A recent study on the topic involved about 1,300 people. Those who had been diagnosed with kidney cancer had eaten a diet high in both red and white meat as well as meats that were barbecued, grilled or pan-fried at high temperatures.

The meat is only part of the equation. The way we cook it could also be to blame. Cooking at a high temperature or over an open flame until the meat is smoked or burned is particularly dangerous for our health because it releases carcinogenic chemicals. The danger is highest for those with certain genetic mutations, but anyone could be affected. 

Reducing your consumption of red and processed meats may be one of the healthiest ways to avoid a health scare. Try to limit yourself to less than 90g a day, and choose the healthiest cuts you can find, such as 95% grain-fed cattle, free-range organic chicken free of antibiotics, or game meat. Skip the GMO meat, processed meats and meats cooked at high temperatures. 

Instead, eat a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as walnuts and flaxseed. Other good anti-inflammatory foods include leafy greens, nuts, fatty fish, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes and olive oil. Monitor your intake of omega 6 fats from foods such as corn oil and sunflower oil. While omega 6 fatty acids are an important part of the diet, they can contribute to inflammation and have been linked to several health issues. When you do eat meat, practice portion control to avoid overdoing it. 

Although more studies need to be performed to further explore this link, the evidence is clear that meat is highly inflammatory, and uncontrolled inflammation is a common denominator in many health problems ranging from obesity to cardiovascular disease. 

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