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Showing posts with label doubt. Show all posts

How Meditation Can Help Self-doubt and Boost Your Confidence

What Is Meditation and Anxiety? 

Thousands of individuals practice meditation each day to clear their minds in order to relieve stress or to reach a higher state of consciousness. There are several ways to perform meditation, and it provides additional benefits, including reducing self-doubt and increasing confidence levels. Self-doubt is damaging because it makes you worry about your abilities and actions, leading to doing nothing so that you won’t make any type of mistake. If you have self-doubt, then you may develop extreme anxiety, making it impossible to do anything. Anxiety can become a debilitating condition that causes physical symptoms that include: 

• Headaches
• Nausea
• High blood pressure
• Perspiration
• Inability to mentally focus 

Reasons For Lacking Self-confidence 

There are several reasons why you may begin to doubt yourself, including losing a job or going through a divorce. When a traumatic event occurs in your life, you might begin to question your choices that led to the event. If you get stuck in feeling doubtful about your actions or abilities, then your self-confidence is eroded, making it difficult to try anything new. When you stop trying to do anything, you will become more doubtful about your abilities. 

How To Meditate To Increase Confidence Levels 

Fortunately, it is easy to meditate at home, work or any other location to reduce your self-doubt. Some individuals find it easy to meditate while others must practice to clear their minds. With meditation, it is possible to stop your obsessive negative thinking. If you find it difficult to meditate with other people, then you need to find a special place such as a quiet corner of your bedroom. You may need to close your eyes to meditate, or you might gaze at an object that makes you feel calmer. Meditation focusing objects can include a statue or flower. In addition, you might relax more by listening to certain types of music, and you can create a soothing ambience with burning scented candles. 

Ways That Meditation Reduces Self-doubt 

Meditation can reduce your self-doubt and improve your confidence in a variety of ways, including:

• Stopping your compulsive negative thinking
• Keeping you from caring about the criticism from others 
• Helping you create future positive goals
• Trusting your own intuition
• Making you more creative
• Ensuring that you live in the moment

Meditating To Boost Your Self-confidence

Scientific neurological research reveals that your brain waves and body chemistry change during meditation. An important aspect of meditative practices is thinking positive affirmations. If you suffer from self-doubt, then you may find it difficult to remember the great things about yourself, making it impossible to boost your confidence levels. However, meditation helps to clear away your negative thoughts so that positive thinking can begin. When you begin to have positive thoughts, your mood will change, helping to reduce your self-doubt. Here are a few ways to begin meditating on a daily basis:

• Sit in a comfortable chair 
• Close your eyes 
• Listen to relaxing music
• Focus on your breathing 
• Have a mantra to help you focus mentally
• Begin with short sessions

If you are having problems relaxing before meditating, then you can enjoy a hot bath, yoga session or gentle massage first. With regular practice, meditation will increase your mindfulness to increase your self-confidence levels. If you are feeling unemotional constantly due to self-doubt, then meditating may help you to release difficult emotions so that you can overcome a traumatic experience in order to boost your confidence. 

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