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Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

How Much Caffeine Is Safe?

Studies consistently find that healthy adults with no medical issues can safely consume up to 400 mg of caffeine daily. The standard recommendation is to limit pregnant women to 300 mg daily and children to just 2.5 mg. 

You can hit that figure in anywhere from one to 12 drinks, depending upon what you are consuming. Some examples of 400 mg of caffeine include:

  • 1 Starbucks Venti brewed coffee
  • 2 Shots of 5-Hour Energy
  • 2.5 Monster Energy Drinks (16 fl.oz. each)
  • 5 Red Bulls (8 fl.oz. each)
  • 5.2 Shots of espresso
  • 11.7 Servings of Coca Cola (12 fl.oz. each)

The average daily consumption of caffeine is 165 mg. Most of that comes from coffee. Most people get about 105 mg of caffeine from coffee. Brewed coffee contains between 95 and 165 mg of caffeine per 8 ounce cup, so this is about one cup of coffee.

On the up side, the study suggested that drinking an extra 2 cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of cirrhosis of the liver by 44 percent. This type of liver damage is associated with eating too much and drinking too much alcohol. 

On the down side, caffeine consumption has also been linked to heart disease and high blood pressure. Additionally, women who drink more than two caffeine drinks per day are at increased risk of miscarriage.

However, these statistics are aggregated from studies of large groups. They do not necessarily tell you how much caffeine is safe for a specific individual. Guidelines for consumption typically come with a lot of provisos. Certain medications or medical conditions can impact your caffeine tolerance and some people are simply highly sensitive to caffeine. 

A better guideline is that you can safely consume caffeine as long as it isn't causing obvious side effects. The most common early stage side effects include jitters, nervousness, restlessness, increased heart rate or insomnia. In some cases, caffeine can also cause nausea, anxiety, arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), vomiting and even cardiac arrest.

If you want to establish how much you can safely consume as an individual, you can keep a food journal to find out for yourself. Ideally, you should track it for at least four weeks. Every day, write down everything you consume that contains caffeine. Also, record when you had it and how much you consumed. Check the label for any pertinent information and do some calculations to get a good idea of how much caffeine you are actually consuming. Make sure you note any side effects, such as insomnia or nervousness. 

Keep in mind that caffeine is dehydrating. You may need to drink additional non caffeinated beverages to stay properly hydrated, especially in hot weather, if you are also drinking alcohol or taking medication, or if you are getting on years. Older people are prone to dehydration. 

Chronic, low grade dehydration is thought to be a widespread, serious problem in the elderly. It contributes to other health issues, such as dizziness, confusion and constipation. These can be the basis for yet more problems, including accidental falls. Accidental falls are a major problem in older people. Having one fall increases the risk that it will happen again.

The standard recommended safe limit for caffeine is up to 400 mg per day, or about four cups of coffee. However, because tolerance varies from one individual to the next, the best way to know what is safe for you is to track your consumption and side effectsvin a food journal for at least four weeks.

These Ancient Diseases Still Haven't Been Cured

Modern medicine is so much better than what was available to ancient peoples that it inspires phrases like "miracles of modern medicine." Nonetheless, it still hasn't figured out everything. Some problems have been with humanity for a long time and are still not cured.

The Common Cold

Generally speaking, modern medicine has a better track record of treating bacterial infections than viral ones. This is part of why the modern viral disease HIV/AIDS has proven to be so difficult to treat. The common cold is often caused by rhinoviruses. Although it is not usually serious, this frequent cause of low grade misery costs people time off from work, missed deadlines and money for symptom management. Even with billions of cases annually, doctors still don't know how to cure it. Prevention is he best medicine here. Do your best to avoid being exposed to others who have a cold.


There are many different kinds of cancer. Some of them are more easily treated than others. But there is no cure. Even with the best case scenarios, there is a risk of death and of recurrence. Furthermore, the treatments can be terrible to endure and can leave you permanently impaired. If caught early, your odds of fully recovering with minimal impairment are good. For this reason, it is wise to get regular checkups for things that could be cancer. The earlier you catch it, the better your overall prognosis.


The proper name for this disease is poliomyelitis. Since that is a mouthful, it is typically shortened to polio. Like the common cold or HIV/AIDS, this is another infection caused by a virus. Although we do have effective vaccines that have largely eliminated it from many developed countries, it continues to harm people in many parts of the world. Most of its victims are in South Asia or Africa and are under the age of five. It can attack the central nervous system and lead to paralysis and permanent impairment. Although we have a good track record of preventing it, we still do not know how to cure it once it has been caught.


Asthma is an incurable lung disease. Sufferers are prone to inflammation, chest tightness, wheezing, coughing attacks and difficulty getting enough air. Attacks can be triggered by external factors, such as pollution, smoke, pollen or exercise. As air pollution has become more widespread, its incidence has gone up. This is especially true in underprivileged neighborhoods. It can be managed with medication and lifestyle, but there is no cure. 


Diabetes is the medical term for high blood sugar. In addition to Type 1 and Type 2, there are also odd variations, such as Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (CFRD). If it is not properly controlled, it can have very serious complications. Current state of the art is trying to delay onset and trying to manage it better. Dietary changes and medication are both useful for delaying the onset and for management. New breakthroughs in management are often in the news. There is no expectation of a cure any time soon.

Even with modern medicine, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound a cure. Some things, like the common cold, cancer, polio, asthma and diabetes, remain incurable.

The Truth About Ulcers

A frustrating pain in your stomach or gut may be more than just indigestion. Millions of people suffer from ulcers around the world, and they often go untreated or misdiagnosed. An ulcer means that you have an opening in your digestive system where acids can irritate the mucous-membrane lining. The pain emanates from this damaged area. Learn the truth about ulcers so that you can pinpoint one before it worsens.

It's Not About Stress

The collective wisdom in the past pointed to stress as the leading cause for ulcers. When people dealt with too much stress, their stomachs produced excess acid that ate away at the lining. Although this theory was accepted for many years, most doctors don't put much confidence in that thinking today. There's normally an underlying cause besides excess stomach acid that's creating the ulcers. If stomach acid alone was the problem, almost everyone would have an ulcer by the time they were in their 40s or 50s.

Bacteria's Role

Most doctors agree that ulcers are commonly created because of a certain bacteria present in the digestive system. Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that's been discovered in a huge number of ulcer sufferers. Doctors can't say that it's the primary cause for all ulcers because the bacteria isn't always present. However, 80 to 90 percent of ulcers found today have this bacteria nearby. It's possible that the bacteria and stomach acid work together to form the ulcer, which is further irritated by the acidity of the environment.

They Occur in Multiple Areas

The truth about ulcers includes their numerous locations. You're probably familiar with the stomach ulcer that was made famous back in the 1980s. Other ulcers are possible in the esophagus and duodenum. All of these ulcers have different causes that are associated with their locations. You may feel a burning sensation in multiple areas, but the ulcer is really only isolated to one location. Visiting your doctor is the only way to pinpoint the ulcer's origination point. Most people will only have one ulcer. Esophageal ulcers are incredibly rare so most diagnoses are limited to the stomach or duodenum.

Blood Types Matter

Researchers are also making a distinction between ulcer patients who have different blood types. Type O blood doesn't have a particular component that's common to other types. This substance typically resides on the outside of the blood cells, which contributes to protective linings in the digestive system. Because of this difference, researchers believe that type O people have an increased chance for duodenum ulcers. Further research is necessary, but type-O people should be more aware of this possible occurrence. 

Over-the-Counter Medication Influences

Ulcers are also connected to medication use. Overuse of ibuprofen and aspirin are the main culprits. When these medications are taken on a regular basis, they can irritate the digestive system's lining. Aspirin tends to be more of an issue because older people take it for cardiovascular or pain needs. If an ulcer develops in people who take regular medications, their doctors may need to alter their dosage or change the drug type. An ulcer can be healed if the causal effect is removed from the equation.

In some cases, an ulcer might point to other issues developing in your body. When you suspect an ulcer, visit your doctor for an entire workup. They'll test your blood along with other evaluations to verify the reasoning behind the ulcer. You can work on recovery at that point with a clean bill of health otherwise.

Can Video Games Help Stress or PTSD?

Video games used to be a distraction for kids as technology developed in the 1980s. Today's video games, however, are remarkably lifelike. They attract players from almost every age group too. Researchers have been working with video games and their use with certain patients. In fact, current studies suggest that video games can help with stress or PTSD disorders.

Distraction From Daily Stress

Stress can take on many forms, from financial issues to family strife. Although you may have a healthy mind and body, dealing with stress can be difficult. Playing video games can distract you from your worries for a short time period. Become a warrior fighting for a kingdom, or solve a murder mystery through this virtual reality. By distracting your mind, you create new neural pathways for the signals. After the mental escape, you can refocus on your issues and possibly solve them with a clear mind.

Spatial Tasks For PTSD Sufferers

PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder sufferers deal with visual traumas almost every day. Whether their trauma is from war or personal tragedies, flashbacks of the situation incapacitate them on both mental and physical levels. Although the association is unclear at this point, PTSD sufferers benefit from paying video games with spatial tasks, such as Tetris. By focusing on a spatial activity, these patients have fewer flashbacks throughout a given week. Further research must be done to see if spatial activities can help both short- and long-term memories.

Virtual Reality Tricks

Researchers are also trying therapeutic video games with PTSD patients. Games that simulate a military experience are used as mechanisms to work through the trauma. Under supervision, patients play the games to face their fears. By working through the trauma on a regular basis with the games, patients have fewer episodes at home. Their minds have essentially broken down the traumas for a short time period so there's no need for the flashbacks to occur. Researchers caution patients that video games don't solve the PTSD issue, but it's a valuable coping mechanism.

Dealing With Assault Issues

Assault victims deal with their own traumas that involve isolation, entrapment and abandonment. Video games designed to cover these feelings are being used to treat certain trauma victims. Researchers report that they're not creating an assault situation through these games, however. They must approach it with the emotions involved so that further damage doesn't occur during the game. The mind is a fragile system, but science continues to seek out simple ways to provide relief from any mental traumas.

It's important to stress that video games cannot be replacements for therapy in extreme situations. If you're battling PTSD, visit a medical professional as soon as possible. They may have solutions that complement the video-game play. Your current, mental health can be improved so that your senior years are more rewarding than ever before.

Kickboxing and How it Can Change Your Fitness

As an older adult, you might be wary about taking on an exercise that involves the word "boxing." However, the sport of kickboxing has seen some growth in the older generations. There are numerous benefits to this exercise, including stress relief. Discover the world of kickboxing, and how it can change your fitness level in only a few sessions.

Flexibility Improvements

Kickboxing requires you to use your core, arms and legs in a coordinated effort. You'll perform these movements with a lot of repetition involved. As a result, you'll have greater flexibility with each workout. Your muscles, tendons and ligaments will soon become accustomed to stretching and moving in certain directions. Because you're more flexible, your body can bounce back from injury better than before. Reaching for an item across the table is simple, and it won't involve a strain that can occur when you're tight and out of shape.

Heart-Centered Workouts

As you kick and punch throughout a session, your heart receives a HIIT workout. High intensity interval training involves intense exercise combined with relaxed movements as you move the heartbeat up and down. Because you're working the heart out, you're achieving cardiovascular goals. Working this muscle only preserves its strength as you enter your 50s and 60s. The blood vessels respond too with stronger walls than before. Because heart disease is a widespread ailment, protecting your heart with a good, kickboxing workout is a smart way to live a long life.

Natural Fall Protection

Kickboxing involves coordination between your mind and muscles. You're actually creating new pathways for signals to move across the nerve synapses. Because of this nerve-signal strength, you have a better chance at avoiding falls. Losing your balance and falling is one of the major reasons why seniors have failing health. Those falls result in broken hips and other ailments. When you participate in kickboxing, your body has more control between the mind and limbs. If you lose your balance, it's easier to catch yourself before an ultimate fall to the ground.

Muscle Growth Across the Body

As you age, muscle tone naturally declines unless you workout on a regular basis. Kickboxing is a great way to build that muscle once again. Striking a target with your arms and legs creates a resistance against your muscles. The tissues respond by developing more muscle for your next session. By participating in regular workout sessions, the muscle will build. You'll have a toned appearance without any bulk. Strong muscles lead to denser bones, which ultimately help you live well into your 70s and 80s.

Weight-Loss Perks

Each kickboxing session can last an hour or longer. During these sessions, you're using and building muscle. The result of your efforts is weight loss. You'll gain muscle while losing fat. When you enter the retirement years, you want less fat because excess tissue can lead to chronic conditions, such as diabetes. Eat a healthy diet so that your muscles can perform during these kickboxing sessions. The fat will seem to melt away as you gain strength and agility. A lean frame is associated with fewer ailments in the senior years.

Kickboxing classes are usually offered several times during the week based on experience levels. Look for beginning classes along with any senior sessions. The popularity of this sport is slowly rising, and it's not unusual for a senior class to be held several times a week. Get to know this sport so that you can kick your way to good health.

Colon Cancer: What You Need to Know

Colon cancer is a preventable and curable disease. Healthy lifestyle choices and early detection help people diminish the risk for experiencing the ravages of this life-threatening cancer.

Colon cancer is the fourth-most common type of the disease in the country. Approximately 140,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Although, the disease is often deadly because it is diagnosed during its later stages, colon cancer is preventable and curable. While it is the second-leading cause of cancer death, the morbidity rate for colon cancer has been dropping in recent years because of proper screening and healthy lifestyle changes. The following are some essential things that you need to know about colon cancer.

Risk Factors for Colon Cancer

Certain demographics like advanced age and gender play a strong role in your risk for developing colon cancer. Men have a higher risk than women do. In addition to a family history of cancer, other risk factors include ulcerative colitis, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. The consumption of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (PHVOs) in prepared foods as well as red and processed meats, which are typically preserved with nitrates, also increases the risks for developing the disease.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer

The most readily identifiable symptoms include changes in bowel habits. These include diarrhea, constipation or the sensation that your bowel is not emptying completely. Your stool may be narrower than usual. You may also notice blood in your stool as well. Colon cancer sufferers may experience frequent gas pains, cramps and bloating as well as vomiting, persistent tiredness and unexplained weight loss.

How Is Colon Cancer Diagnosed

Risk factors and your medical history will determine how often and at what age you should be screened for the disorder. For most patients, doctors recommend that the screening process begin at age 50. Your doctor may recommend earlier screenings if your risk factors warrant it. How frequently you are screened depend on the type of tests used and the results. During a colonoscopy, a physician inserts a small camera mounted to a flexible tube that allows the inspection of the entire colon and rectum. A sigmoidoscopy facilitates the examination of a portion of the colon and rectum. In addition to a fecal occult blood test, your doctor may recommend a double-contrast barium enema or a CT colonography to detect the presence of precancerous polyps or cancer.

Treatment Options

Surgery to remove cancerous tissue or precancerous polyps is the most common treatment for colon cancer. Depending upon the location and the stage of the disease, a different surgical approach may be utilized. Your doctor may also recommend radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Ways to Prevent Colon Cancer

Several lifestyle choices can lower your potential of developing colon cancer. Choose to eat a healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetable and dietary fiber. Avoid PHVOs, and reduce the consumption of red and processed meat. If you use tobacco products, ask your physician for recommendations on a cessation program. You should also avoid excess alcohol intake. It is recommended that you exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. You can lower your risk of cancer by shedding excess pounds, especially belly fat. Studies have also shown that a daily low-dose aspirin may reduce your risk of colon cancer.

If you are age 50 or older, you should ask your doctor about screening for colon cancer. You should also seek medical treatment if you notice any of the symptoms persist for longer than a week. The earlier that cancer is detected, the more favorable the treatment outcome. Healthy lifestyle choices can prevent cancer and increase your quality of life.

    Foam Rolling and Its Fight Against Body Fat

    Foam Rolling and Its Fight Against Body Fat

    What Is a Foam Roller?

    When you want to lose body fat, try using a foam roller device while exercising. A foam roller is a long cylinder that is designed for long-term use during exercise routines at home or at a gym. Foam rollers were originally designed for physical therapists to use on patients who required myofascial release on their sore muscles. Trainers also began to use foam rollers to reduce the pain in the muscles of athletes after they participated in a sport. 

    How Foam Rollers Are Effective 

    Today, manufacturers are making deluxe foam rollers that have handles, making it easier to use the items to soothe sore muscles while reducing your body fat. A foam roller is especially effective for eliminating the bumpy unattractive fat layers known as cellulite. You can use a foam roller on several areas of your body to apply pressure to cellulite in order to have a more attractive body. While using a foam roller, you want to apply pressure on certain areas of your body for 30 to 60 seconds.

    Exercises Using a Foam Roller

    You can find foam rollers at local or online stores, and you can use the items in various ways during your daily exercise routines. Here are five exercises to try at home to reduce your body fat.

    1: Reduction of Fat On Your Back

    Have a soft mat to perform exercise using foam rollers, and make sure to wear comfortable clothing. For this exercise, place the foam roller on the mat near where you will recline. While reclining, put the foam roller underneath your back and bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands at your sides with your palms on the floor before lifting your body and rolling slightly with the foam roller underneath your back. 

    2: Get Rid of Cellulite On The Front of Your Thighs

    Turn over and place your hands on the floor to prop your body up in a slanted position with the tips of your toes on the soft mat. Roll the front of your thighs against the firm foam roller to smooth away the ugly cellulite fat. 

    3: Arm Rolling

    Next, kneel on the mat while placing the foam roller in front of your body. Bend down to place your arm on the foam roller before moving your arm along its surface to apply pressure against your skin. Repeat this exercise with the other arm for a few minutes. 

    4: Back of the Thigh Foam Rolling

    This technique is one of the most popular because it helps to eliminate the puckered cellulite fat that is on the back of your thighs. Sit on the soft mat before placing the foam roller under one of your ankles, and begin to roll the foam roller toward your upper thigh with your hands. Repeat this exercise ten times before switching to the other leg. 

    5: Using a Foam Roller On the Outer Side of Your Thighs

    Place the foam roller on the middle of the mat while perching yourself above it using your feet and hands. With this exercise, you must twist your body to one side in order to roll your outer thigh against the foam roller. Make sure to maintain your balance while you roll against the foam roller before switching to the other side and repeating the exercise.

    Caring For Elder Family Members Can Be a Blessing!

    With more senior citizens living to an older age, many of their relatives must provide essential care for them. While you might think that caring for an elderly relative is a burden, it is actually a blessing. Here are several ways that caring for senior citizens has benefits for you and them.

    1: Seniors Who Remain At Home Live Longer

    The senior citizens who remain at home will live longer, giving you more chances to enjoy their company. Moving to an assisted living facility or nursing home can feel traumatic for a senior citizen, leading to physical and mental challenges. 

    2: Living In a Nursing Home Is Expensive

    When a senior citizen decides to live in a nursing home, it is going to become expensive. In many situations, a senior citizen must sell a family home to pay for the costs of long-term care. This means that you won’t inherit your wonderful childhood home. 

    3: You Have a Chance To Reconnect With a Loved One

    By caring for an elderly relative, you have a chance to reconnect. While spending a lot of time with a senior citizen, you will get to hear stories from the past. If an older relative is living in a nursing home, then you won’t have much time for talking each day. 

    4: Seniors Living At Home Are Healthier

    The senior citizens who remain at home are healthier, leading to fewer serious illnesses or hospitalizations. Not only are senior citizens who live at home physically healthier, but also, they are less likely to suffer from a dementia condition such as Alzheimer’s disease. 

    5: The Benefits For Grandchildren

    Long ago, grandchildren had the benefit of living with their grandparents, but today, that rarely occurs. In many cases, a parent is too busy to spend a lot of one-on-one time with a child, but a grandparent has more time. A grandparent can listen to a grandson read a book, or she can play a board game with a granddaughter.

    6: A Senior Citizen Living At Home Feels Happier

    When a senior citizen lives at home, they feel happier, reducing the chance of having depression. Most senior citizens want to remain as independent as possible rather than living in a small room at a nursing home for several years. It is a blessing to have a happy parent or grandparent rather than someone who is grumpy. 

    7: It Is Possible to Keep Pets

    Most assisted living facilities and nursing homes will not permit pets. If your grandparent or parent has a pet, then they will want to remain at home. There are mental and physical benefits from owning a cat or dog, helping to keep a senior citizen healthier. 

    8: Caring For an Elderly Person Teaches You Compassion

    Taking care of an older relative will teach you about compassion. While you are preparing a grandparent’s meals or helping a parent get dressed, you will realize how much they did for you in the past. Caring for an elderly individual will also make you think about what will happen to you when you are old. 

    9: You Will Learn To Live In the Present

    Caring for a senior citizen will teach you to live in the present rather than in the future. An elderly individual will tell you that you shouldn’t postpone your happiness until later because life is too short.

    The Truth About Muscle Quality

    Your muscles perform many functions in your body. Most people understand that they need their muscles to move about and complete basic tasks. However, many people do not realize that their muscles also help with many other functions in their body. Having good muscle quality is essential to good health.

    What Is Muscle Quality?

    Muscle quality is when your muscles are working at their top performance. This means that they are strong and lean and that they withstand the normal rigors of the day. Quality muscles move easily and can be pushed a little harder when necessary.

    Benefits Of Having High Quality Muscles

    In addition to being able to complete tasks a little more easily, there are also several other benefits to having quality muscles. These benefits include:

    • Better Digestion. Your digestive system works by contracting muscles to move foods through the system. When your muscles are working at peak performance, foods are absorbed better and toxins are removed more easily from the system.
    • Better Hormone Balance. Your muscles are responsible for sending signals to the brain for hormone releases. When your muscles function properly, your brain triggers more of the good hormones and less of the bad ones. This allows you to manage your weight better and feel better physically.
    • Reduction In Inflammation. When you can move around more easily, your body fights inflammation in your body. Inflammation has been connected to arthritis, heart disease, and many other illnesses.
    • Reduce Type II Diabetes Risk. Your muscles need glycose to function. When your muscles are burning off the sugars in your system you are less likely to become insulin resistant and store these sugars as fat. This significantly reduces your risk for developing diabetes.
    • Balance. As your muscles work properly, your skeleton will remain more balanced. One of the leading causes of injuries to people over 50 years of age is from falling from losing their balance. 

    Of course, being more physically fit also allows you to enjoy a more active lifestyle. 

    How To Achieve Quality Muscles

    Achieving quality muscles will not require you to dedicate all your free time to the gym or submit yourself to very intense workouts. You can improve the quality of your muscles by adding a simple exercise routine to your day.

    For the best results, you will want a routine that uses all of your muscle groups. You can do this through stretching, lifting weights, using exercise machines, or even dancing. Dedicate at least five minutes to each of your major muscle areas: legs, upper body, arms, and cardio. With just 20 minutes a day, you can improve your muscle and general health.

    Even if you are not physically active now, you can improve muscle quality. Start slow and add a little more as you increase your strength and stamina. Every little bit helps. Every extra step taken is an improvement to your health. Every minute you dedicate to this will improve your overall satisfaction with your physical health and abilities.

    In addition to changing your exercise habits, also look at what you eat. If you are going to use your muscles more, it is wise to add some protein to your diet. Protein feeds your muscles and gives you energy without the sugar crash. You can find protein in lean meats, nuts, and eggs. You do not have to eat a lot, but adding some protein, and eliminating some sugar or carb based foods will give your muscles the nutrition they need to work at peak performance.

    6 Tips to Curb Cravings

    Healthy foods don't always have the best taste, and dieting is even more difficult when the cravings start to kick into high gear. While you may have an easy time adjusting to smarter foods overall, it's important to find ways to avoid falling for every craving. It might be okay to cheat every once in a while, but our 7 helpful tips can help you gain complete control over your desire for junk food. 

    Eat Before You're Hungry
    An empty stomach causes a temporary feeling of desperation to put a stop to the hunger pains, and you may feel tempted to grab a bag of chips or settle for fast food. Cravings aren't likely to show up if you space out meals and healthy snacks well enough to avoid hunger. Baby carrots or fresh cut broccoli make a great crispy snack when you feel the urge to munch between meals. 

    Distract Your Mind
    Thinking about sweets and processed foods is ultimately going to make these temptations more difficult to avoid. Rather than sit around fantasizing about foods you're determined to not consume, get up and find a distraction. Get out of the house and get some fresh air during a walk around the block, or take a little drive listening to your favorite music. If you're finding it hard to overcome a sweet tooth, switch to a sugarless gum between meals to satisfy the urge without breaking your diet. 

    Splurge on Water
    Pour yourself a tall glass of cold water before every meal, and don't be afraid to drink another anytime you feel the urge to snack. After a few minutes, the craving is likely to fade because the body often confuses thirst with hunger. Eating before meals is a handy trick to eating smaller portions if your ultimate goal is to lose weight. 

    Eliminate Daily Stress
    It's not secret that people tend to look to their favorite foods when trying to cope with stressful or upsetting situations. Meditate regularly, relax with some herbal tea, and increase light exercise to eliminate stress that may influence bad eating habits. Excessive stress may also spike your cortisol levels, making it very difficult to lose undesirable belly fat. 

    Never Shop While Hungry
    Plan to head out on your shopping trip after finishing a meal, and stick closely to the intended grocery list. Temptation will be high when you are faced with your favorite junk items and the delicious aromas of fried foods at the deli counter. If you go into the store hungry, you'll end up leaving with a cart full of items that reflect the same foods that you're working so hard to avoid. 

    Sleep Well
    The relation between sleep and eating habits may be more significant than you realize, especially when it comes to poor dietary decisions. If you're accustomed to staying up late for any reason, you're more likely to partake in a little snacking right before you lay down. Not only is this bad for your diet, but it's normal for people reach for packaged snack items instead of preparing a healthier option. Inadequate sleep is also going to cause hormone fluctuations that enhance normal cravings to a greater intensity. Make sure that you get to bed a a decent time each night, and don't be afraid to use remedies like melatonin supplements or a glass of warm milk to help you fall asleep. 

    Heart Failure is Rising in the United States

    For many people, heart failure is one of the riskiest problems that can face them, especially if they have a family history of heart disease. Proper dieting and exercise can alleviate most types of heart failure risks, but the struggle is always constant. In recent studies according to the American Heart Association, professionals have found that heart disease and failure rates have been on the rise steadily in the United States. This can spell trouble for many families that do not prioritize their heart health in their lifestyles, and that same report had also said that the prevalence of heart disease was the leading cause of death in all types of people living in the United States.

    Heart failure is characterized by a condition where the heart is simply too tired or weak to keep up with the necessary blood pumping through the body. The number of adults who have experienced heart failure has been rising over the past five years, reaching 800,000 over the period. This is setting a worrying trend, as it means that the number of adults who experience heart failure is mathematically expected to increase by another 46 percent by the year 2030. This means that another 8 million people are expected to experience heart failure by that time. 

    Professionals have cited a number of reasons for the growing number of people with heart failure. Some of the most common factors include the general increase of an aging population and the growing number of survivors who have already experienced a heart attack in the past. These people are at an increased risk for developing heart failure because the heart will already be weakened as a result of the previous attack. Cardiovascular illnesses include various types of heart disease, as well as high blood pressure and even stroke. Those who feel as though they are at risk of such illnesses should be sure to manage their symptoms through the proper lifestyle changes.

    Speaking with a medical professional can be one of the surest ways for individuals to reduce their risk of developing cardiovascular disease, but all those at risk should take the time to assess their lifestyle and think about what they can do to improve their outlook.

    Always begin by assessing your diet and the food that you eat. Cutting out unnecessary calories and sugars is one of the best ways for you to get your metabolism under control. Eating foods that can help you cut down on your cholesterol, such as oats and other foods rich in fiber, can be invaluable in reducing your risk of disease.

    Try to lead an active lifestyle as well. Though going to the gym can be difficult to regularly maintain for those who lead a busy life, it is important to find time to fit in some type of physical activity. Go on walks more often when you can, and try to stretch when you are not mobile.

    Finally, be sure to limit the stress in your life. Stress can increase your risk for heart disease and reduce the effectiveness of lifestyle treatments and changes. Managing your stress can be one of the best ways for you to reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your outlook in the future.

    Best Foods for Fuel

    If you want to fuel your body with the best minerals and vitamins, then it is important to shop for the right foods at your local supermarket. Here is a list of foods to put in your cart while at the grocery store. 

    1: Whole-grain Breads, Rice and Pasta

    While shopping for groceries, make sure to read the food labels on pasta, rice and bread carefully to verify that it is a whole-grain product. Today, it isn’t always easy to determine if a food product is nutritious, but with the right information, you can understand if it is the healthiest food that will provide maximum fuel for your body. Avoid buying pasta made from refined flour or bread made with white flour. Look for big plastic bags filled with brown rice instead of buying instant or white rice. 

    2: Vegetables That Have Dark or Bright Colors

    While it is okay to eat a white potato occasionally, sweet potatoes offer more nutrients such as antioxidants that protect your body’s cellular structure. Rather than choosing iceberg lettuce, select dark leafy greens such as raw spinach, broccoli and kale. At the supermarket, find an assortment of peppers in bright colors that include red, orange and yellow. Walk through the produce section at the grocery store to select bright red tomatoes or deep orange carrots for your favorite recipes. 

    3: Buy Nuts and Seeds at the Grocery Store 

    Seeds and nuts will provide a lot of fuel for your body, and you only need a small portion to feel satiated. Some of the best nuts and seeds to choose include:

    • Walnuts
    • Cashews
    • Almonds
    • Brazil nuts
    • Sunflower seeds
    • Pecans

    Buy seeds and nuts that are not flavored with salt or additives that can reduce the nutritional value of the foods. Learn how to count or measure nuts and seeds to avoid eating a large portion. 

    4: Tasty Fresh, Frozen or Canned Fish

    If you are accustomed to eating a lot of meat at your meals, then switch to consuming fish several times a week instead. You can find canned, frozen or fresh fish at your neighborhood supermarket. Learn how to cook fish without deep-frying it in unhealthy grease. There are numerous types of fish that can fuel your body, including:

    • Salmon
    • Tuna
    • Cod
    • Red snapper
    • Flounder
    • Tilapia

    5: Delicious Yogurt With Tasty Fruit 

    It is important to consume dairy products, and yogurt offers calcium, probiotics and other nutrients. When you are shopping for yogurt, check the labels on the containers to determine how much sugar has been added to the product. You can find yogurt that has nutritious fruit such as blueberries or cherries that also contain vitamins and minerals. Alternatively, you can find plain yogurt at a supermarket that is easy to add your own fresh fruit to in order to have an energy-packed snack.

    Quick Blood Test That May Determine if Chest Pain is Serious

    Heart disease is the leading causes of death in the United States. It affects more men than women and accounts for one in four deaths altogether. Fortunately, there is a new blood test that has the potential to give doctors information about a patient's risk for serious heart problems before the problems actually show up. 

    A new study published January 10, 2017 in the European Heart Journal reveals that a simple blood test may be able to save lives by giving doctors the chance to treat an underlying heart problem before it gets out of control.

    The new test measures the blood levels of a molecule with the name of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). TMAO is created in the intestines where friendly bacteria break down foods into smaller particles for absorption. Previous research shows that animals with high levels of TMAO have greater inflammation of the blood vessels. Prior studies have also shown that those who have increased levels of TMAO along with a heart condition have a higher risk of developing blood clots at some point in the future. Researchers are not certain if TMAO levels are related to increased blood clot risk in people who are healthy.

    In the new study, the researchers studied the TMAO levels in two groups of people. The first group consisted of 530 adults at Ohio's Cleveland Clinic who visited the emergency room because of chest pain. The patients had blood samples taken when they first arrived and again four, eight and 16 hours later. The researchers kept tabs on these patients over the course of the next seven years to see if they developed heart problems or died from a heart condition.

    According to the study, those whose TMAO levels were high were six times more likely to die than those whose TMAO levels were below a certain level. Those with high levels were also more likely to need blood vessel surgery or have a heart attack or stroke within 30 days. This finding was mentioned in a statement by Dr. Thomas Lüscher, a cardiologist at Switzerland's University of Zurich. Additionally, those with the highest TMAO levels were almost twice as likely to die within the seven-year follow-up period as those whose TMAO levels were the lowest. 

    Lüscher stated that the elevated risk of death or serious complications from heart disease remained even after heart disease risk factors such as smoking, age and cholesterol levels were taken into account.

    Researchers also took into account the levels of a compound known as troponin T. Troponin T is found in the blood after a person has experienced a heart attack. According to Lüscher, even patients who did not initially have high levels of troponin T when first arriving at the hospital but had the highest levels of TMAO were nearly six times more likely to suffer from a major cardiovascular event as those whose TMAO levels were lower.

    The second group of patients was located in Switzerland and included more than 1,600 people who had been admitted to the hospital because of chest pains. TMAO levels in this group of patients were measured approximately five days after the patients entered the hospital. The patients were given follow-up exams one month later and then again 12 months later. 

    Again, researchers found that the patients with the highest levels of TMAO in their blood were 1.5 times more likely to die, have a heart attack or stroke, or require blood vessel surgery a year later. Those whose TMAO levels were lowest were less likely to suffer from serious complications. According to Lüscher, it is possible that the decreased risk level for the Swiss patients versus the Ohio patients is a result of factors such as diet. 

    The study finishes by mentioning the benefits of this quick blood test in helping doctors to determine which patients are at the highest risk for serious heart complications, thereby giving them the opportunity to suggest preventative measures before it is too late.

    The Long Term Effects of Running on Your Knees

    The Long Term Effects of Running on Your Knees

    Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that really gets your blood flowing. It is an ideal way for individuals to combat all types of problems, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Those who run can look forward to all types of benefits in the future, including overall health management and weight loss. However, many people may fear running regularly for fear of wearing away at their joints. 

    Both joint wear and the general effects of aging are considered to be major factors behind the development of osteoarthritis. Many high-impact exercises, including running, typically apply large amounts of pressure on the knees, hips and ankles. This leads many to believe that running regularly is one of the strongest ways to wear your joints out over the years. However, studies are beginning to show that this might not be entirely true, and experts believe that the wear itself is not as severe as many people believe, especially if individuals take a few necessary precautions to better protect their joints.

    The large amount of concern that those who run regularly may wear out cartilage in their knees as a result of extensive use has led to stigma against distance running. Though the cause for this concern is real, as osteoarthritis is one of the world's most common and damaging joint diseases, it is ultimately better for individuals to know about the effects of the disease and what to expect in the future in order to better avoid its onset. There is no known cure for the disease currently, but, ultimately, the idea that running may cause osteoarthritis has already been extensively studied. 

    In 2013, researchers published a study that documented the activities of over 14,000 runners and over 70,000 walkers during a period of seven years in order to determine whether or not they had a higher chance of developing osteoarthritis. The research showed that not only was there no increase in the cases of osteoarthritis, but there were fewer incidents of osteoarthritis and hip replacements among runners, simply because of their lower overall body mass index.

    Though the research showed that running may not have a tremendously negative effect on joint health, it is important to be prepared. Studies also show that individuals who are over 20 pounds overweight may actual experience adverse effects on their joints because of how much the extra weight may affect their run. Ultimately, because of how well individuals ended up losing weight after running regularly, researchers agreed that the most important way for individuals to lose weight and improve their overall joint health was to run regularly. 

    Like any other similar exercising approach, however, it is important to be as safe as possible in order to avoid damage. Try to take your running slow, especially if you have not done a lot of running in the past. Starting at an easy pace is one of the best ways to proceed because it allows you to adjust according to your exact level of comfort. Not every method of running is right for every person, so do not worry about measuring your progress against another runner. As long as you are moving forward and you are able to push yourself to stay with an exercise plan, you can benefit in the future without worrying about joint pain.

    4 Foods that Help Digestion

    Before you reach for a laxative the next time you are feeling constipated or bloated, consider changing your diet to include these four foods that are known to improve overall digestion. The below food options are low in calories and allow your body to digest food more efficiently. Instead of taking a pill when you are having difficulty with digestion, you can make permanent changes to your diet that will support a healthier lifestyle.

    Chia Seeds

    While these small seeds may not have a full flavor, they do wonders for your help. Just two tablespoons of chia seeds a day can reduce inflammation and aid your bowel movements. Chia seeds are also an amazing source to fulfill your daily fiber needs. When you eat foods that are high in fiber, you end up feeling fuller longer, which helps you to get a grip on snacking throughout the day.

    Coconut Oil

    This is a great replacement for other cooking oils because it has been shown to speed up metabolism and is a very healthy fat. Its antimicrobial properties assist with digestion and can boost your energy levels in the process. Coconut oil can be ingested directly or used as a cooking substitute.


    This is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Salmon has been shown to reduce bad cholesterol levels and improve heart health. The healthy oils and fats in salmon can help your body remove harmful toxins.


    Ghee is a clarified version of butter that can be found in most organic food aisles. Instead of backing up the digestive process, it helps to facilitate the breakdown of food and eliminates bloat by stimulating stomach acids. It is also lower in calories and unhealthy fats and stays fresh at room temperature much longer than traditional butter can. 

    Do Cats Affect Health?

    If you are already a cat owner or lover, then you already know about all of the intangible benefits that owning a cat brings to your life. The constant companionship and entertainment are something that most cat owners would tell you they would prefer to never live without. However, in addition to all of the warm and fuzzy memories that cats can bring you, there is a long list of health benefits that make owning a cat a great investment in a healthy lifestyle. 

    Cats Lower Your Stress Level

    If you are looking for a way to improve your heart health, owning a cat just might be what the doctor ordered. Studies show that petting a cat when you are feeling stressed or anxious can almost instantly lower your anxiety level. 

    Cat Owners Sleep Better

    Stuides in the UK have shown that women who sleep with their cats in bed at night are more likely to get restful sleep for longer. Cats can give you a sense of calm and companionship, which helps you to relax and fall asleep faster. Getting an adequate amount of sleep at night is important for a wide range of health conditions. 

    Cats Might Boost Your Immune System

    From getting exposure to cat hair and other associated dander, you can reduce your risk of developing asthma. In addition, you may increase your resistance to allergens later in life. 

    Cats Reduce Your Risk of Stroke

    Studies have proven that cat owners are less likely to suffer from a stroke. Because cats require relatively little maintenance as pets, cat owners are able to get all of the benefits of companionship from cats without having to invest significant time and energy into caring for them. This is one of the reasons why cats make for sure a great pet for elderly people or those who have limited mobility.

    Cats Can Improve Your Socialization

    It is very important to stay connected to others as you age. Owning a cat is a common bond that you can nurture with new friends to give you a natural conversation starter. Making sure that you seek out the company of others is important because it keeps you mentally stimulated and helps prevent depression. This can be difficult for adults with social anxiety. Cats may help to reduce social anxiety in group situations. 

    Here Comes Flu Season

    Here Comes Flu Season

    With flu season approaching, it is important to for you to keep yourself as well-protected as possible against potential outbreaks. By following these flu season tips, it can be easy for you to protect yourself and your family from unwanted illness this holiday season.

    Keep Your Medicine Cabinet Full

    One of the most important things that you can do is to prepare beforehand. Take the time to pick out the medications you might need for the winter and make sure that existing bottles are not expired. This can help you stay prepared for all types of potential bugs, including the flu and common cold. Some recommended medicines to keep around the house include pain relief medications, fever relievers, decongestants, antihistamines, cough drops and cough medicines. Check in with your doctor and be sure to stock up on the appropriate strength medications if you have children that might get sick.

    Keep Other Medical Supplies Around

    In addition to medications, it is important to be prepared for being snowed in. Having a good thermometer and batteries around the house is a sure way to reduce the risk of a number of issues, such as medical devices failing. Additionally, it might not hurt to have a humidifier around the house if you or a loved one struggles with asthma and other breathing problems during the winter. Additionally, it can be a good idea to keep other comfort basics around the house, such as hand sanitizer, tissues and soaps designed to be antibacterial. These supplies can help you keep the house cleaner and better protected against bacteria and viruses.

    Wash Your Hands Frequently

    One of the biggest ways in which diseases are spread during the holidays is through hand contact. Whether ill individuals place their hands on railings that you later touch, or whether you handle money that was touched by someone with a cold during shopping, keeping your hands washed and clean regularly is one of the most important things that you can do during the holidays. Practice proper hand-washing by using antibacterial soap and spending at least two minutes washing your hands. Be sure to get your wrists and between your fingers as well, as these places are often missed.

    Avoid Touching Your Face

    Another good way to avoid getting sick this holiday season is to try not to put your hands near your face. If you have any bacteria on your hands, one of the surest ways to guarantee a pathway into the lungs or mucous membrane is to place your hands on your face. Though washing your hands can be a great way to reduce the risk of infection overall, it is important for you to exercise caution when you are not in immediate access to antibacterial sanitizer or a washroom.

    Practice Healthy Habits

    Another important thing that anybody can do to reduce their risk is to prepare for the long-term with healthy habits. Try to exercise regularly and eat a diet that is high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. When your body gets the nutrients it needs, it is able to muster up a stronger defense force against all types of illnesses. Eat healthy and make sure that you do not overload your body with unnecessary calories and sugars to improve your overall sense of well-being.

    Green Tea: The Hidden Gem

    Clinical studies demonstrate that green tea has many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, promoting weight loss, improving brain functions and preventing cancer. Originating in China and India, the beverage has been used as a medicinal drink for centuries. It is packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can improve your overall health.

    Green tea helps lower the risk of heart disease. The beverage relaxes the linings of blood vessels. This enables the vessels to tolerate changes in blood pressure. It may also reduce the risk of clots, which are a primary cause of heart attacks. Drinking green tea reduces total and LDL, or bad, cholesterol. A study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association concluded that green tea could reduce the risk of stroke as well.

    Plant-derived polyphenols, such as catechins and flavonoids, found in green tea are strong antioxidants that reduce the formation of free radicals. This protects your cells from the damage linked to aging. Green tea’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties also promote skin health and reduce wrinkles as it flushes toxins from your body. A study conducted by the Medical College of Georgia showed that green tea improved skin elasticity and aided rejuvenation from wounds. The tannins and vitamin K contained in the beverage treat puffy eyes and dark circles. Evidence indicates that drinking green tea can promote stronger, healthier bones. A study published in Nutrition Research found that tea drinkers had a higher bone density. This reduces the risk of fractures and lessens arthritis symptoms.

    Green tea aids in weight loss and preventing Type II diabetes. This powerful health drink increases your body’s ability to burn fat as it boosts your metabolic rate and gives you more energy. Drinking green tea can also lead to a decrease in abdominal fat. The caffeine found in green tea may help improve physical performance. Studies confirm that green tea improves insulin sensitivity, which helps control blood sugar levels. Unsweetened green tea has zero calories. Tea also helps you relax. The nutrients GABA and L-theanine contained in green tea promote a sense of calmness. Theanine is an amino acid that helps reduce stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue and the risk of depression. 

    Green tea helps your brain. Caffeine blocks adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. This action increases the firing of neurons and neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which promote cognitive function, attention and focus. Green tea has less caffeine than coffee. The result is that there is sufficient caffeine to produce the desired effects without the jittery feeling that can occur when ingesting too much of the stimulant. This potent drink also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that works in conjunction with caffeine to improve brain function. Green tea increases the level of the neurotransmitter GABA, which fosters the production of dopamine and alpha waves within the brain.

    Green Tea can help ward off cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other illnesses. This healthy beverage contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral agents that inhibit the spread of disease. Green tea protects your brain cells from dying while helping to restore damaged cells. Maintaining dopamine-producing cells in the brain and preventing the buildup of damaging proteins protects it from old age. This can delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. A study published in the Natural Medicine Journal demonstrated that participants who drank green tea had improved memories and attention spans. Additional research shows that catechin also destroys the bacteria and viruses that lead to tooth decay and throat infections, such as streptococcus mutans. The primary harmful bacteria found in your mouth, it is the leading cause of plaque formation, which fosters the growth of cavities. To achieve the full health benefits, you should consume several cups of green tea each day. 
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