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Showing posts with label 5. Show all posts

5 Tips for Getting Back On The Rails with Your Diet After the Holidays

The holidays are a time for indulging, but you might wonder once you've gotten started how you will stop. The five tips below can all help you get back on track if too much rich food and other indulgences have put your diet plan in jeopardy. 

Eat on schedule

Holiday snacking and big meals served mid-afternoon can all contribute to losing track of the good health habits you've been working on. Make sure that you start eating your meals at regular intervals again with healthy snacks built in as needed.

Drink water

The holidays are ripe for overindulgence in eggnog, sugar-laden punches, alcohol and other unhealthy beverages. Get back into the habit of staying healthily hydrated by drinking water regularly again. Add a sliver of lemon, lime or cucumber if it tastes too plain.

Get rid of temptation

If your house is still stocked with holiday treats and leftovers, it's time to get rid of them. Take them to work, give them to a neighbor or throw them out, and put healthy food back in their place. If it isn't there, you can't be tempted by it.

Don't be discouraged by holiday weight gain

A big diet derail can occur if you feel as though there's no point in trying to reset your healthy habits just because you've been indulgent. Whether it's one meal, one day or several weeks of unhealthy eating, you don't have to throw your hands up in despair. Just shift back to your old healthy habits and you'll start to see results.

Rethink your diet

This can actually be a great time to do a reset of some of your habits. You might want to look into signing up for a meal planning service, doing more cooking and freezing of food on weekends or cutting back on your restaurant meals in the year ahead.

The holidays can be a tough time for healthy eating. However, you can follow the above steps to shift to a healthier mindset and better habits no matter how indulgent you've been.


5 Most Nutritious Power Foods

Power foods are defined as foods that are loaded with key nutrients. Although there are many nutritious items of the market, these are some of the most popular super foods. 

Bok Choy

Also known as Chinese white cabbage, Bok Choy can provide you with over 50 percent of the day's suggested serving of Vitamin C when you eat just one cooked cup of this nutritious veggie. The vegetable has been shown to 

  • Promote optimal bone health
  • Naturally lower blood pressure
  • Significantly reduce inflammation
  • Fight against certain cancers like prostrate, breast, and lung
  • Protect the skin from the sun, polluted air, and smoke

The veggie was founded in China thousands of years ago, but today Bok Choy can be obtained virtually anywhere in the world. 

Canned Salmon

The canned and pouches of salmon that is typically found on the shelves of grocery stores are rich in omega-3s. One pouch of salmon is equivalent to two weekly servings of fish. Maintaining a diet with fish may provide you this the following benefits

  • Drastically lower the risks of heart attacks and stroke
  • Prevent serious mental disorders like depression
  • Lower the chance of developing diabetes
  • Support great vision in old age
  • Improve sleeping patterns

Canned salmon is considerably less expensive than fresh salmon, so it can easily become a part of your daily diet. 

Tomato Sauce 

Known as one of America's most popular products, tomato sauce is a recognized power food since one tablespoon contains 3.5 grams of antioxidants like lycopene. Along with supporting a healthy immune system, tomato sauce has also been reported to

  • Remove damaging free radicals from the body
  • Decrease risk of prostate cancer
  • Prevent skin damage caused by too much sun exposure
  • Facilitate proper red blood cell function
  • Help manage weight

Tomato sauce is a versatile ingredient. The product can be added to pasta, chilli, beef stock, and pizza. 

Baby Spinach
Did you know that two cups of baby spinach provide over three times the suggested dose of vitamin K? Check out the other amazing benefits of baby spinach.

  • Ensures that free radicals do not damage the colon
  • Maintains excellent brain function including memory and mental clarity
  • Encourages a well-functioning cardiovascular system
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Builds stronger muscles

Baby spinach can be a delicious and nutritious addition to most soups, salads, and even sandwiches. The vegetable doesn't have to be cooked before making great lunch foods. 

Vegetable Juice 
If you always have a busy schedule, you might want to consider consuming vegetable juice to get you through the day. This well-known power food boasts key nutrients including vitamin A, fiber, and potassium. According to much research, these nutrients may play an important role in

  • Providing the body with hydration
  • Supporting optimal detoxification
  • Reducing the onset of cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • Promoting healthy growth of cells
  • Offering a long-lasting energy boost

Most vegetable juices are comprised of numerous vegetables like carrots, beef, tomato, and romaine lettuce; and as a result, it's considered one of the ultimate power foods. 

Because of their many health benefits, power foods should definitely be included in your diet. Many of these types of food can be incorporated into your favorite recipes.

5 Last Minute Summer Activities for Fitness Focused Families

The summer may be winding down, but that fact doesn't mean that the activity levels have to dwindle. There are many last minute activities that can be part of your family's life when you match up local events to your personal likes and dislikes. When you have a fitness-focused family, concentrate on these top five activities that will leave your summer full of memories for the rest of your life.

One Last Mountain Trip

The surrounding mountains may beckon you to explore their contours so heed the call in the fading light of the summer. Many mountains are only a few short hours away. Pack up the car with every essential, such as picnic supplies and recreational items, so that everyone has a good time. You might hike along marked trails or relax by a babbling brook. Water sports are often part of a mountain retreat, which allows you to rent equipment as necessary. Staying active is incredibly easy with so many pastimes available in mountainous areas.

Biking at Favorite Parks

If you don't have the time to head up to the mountains, look for a park that's nearby. Ride over or bring your bikes because so much more can be seen from the seat of your bicycle. The entire family can ride along to see the scenery. Feed ducks, explore hidden areas behind trees and set up a private picnic for everyone. You won't notice that exercise is part of the day. Biking is a great workout for your cardiovascular system and legs. If you tend to stand up as you bike, you'll also give those arms a workout. 

Impromptu Sports Games

Relatively large families can create their own sports competitions at the park or in the backyard. Choose a sport that everyone enjoys, including volleyball, baseball or soccer. Go over the game rules, especially if there are any changes to note. Create teams, and start up this last-minute activity. You might make a habit of these competitions each week until the fall. The group setting encourages healthy relationships while everyone receives a solid workout. 

Take the sports games to the park or beach too. A change in landscape forms a challenge for everyone playing the game. Contours across the ground make you work harder for that goal or play every time.

Fishing Out on the Water

Fishing is both a skill and sport that can be thrilling out on the water. Rent a boat so that you can head out to the middle of a lake or deeper into the ocean. Both kids and adults benefit from fishing because it takes some energy to cast and pull the line through the water. The real effort occurs when a fish is on the line. Everyone can pull that heavy fish out of the water. Depending on the region, you'll see and catch various fish species. 

As an alternative, remain on shore for some fly fishing. Casting a long line into the water is both fun and fitness-oriented. The kids can help with the lures and bait too. Being outdoors is one of the best ways to stay fit as you focus on the task at hand.

Refining Those Sports Skills

The children or grandchildren may participate in sports at their schools in the fall. Take the last few days of summer to practice those sports skills. Throw a ball, run a mile and refine those skills so that tryouts are a breeze. Fitness-focused families can achieve almost any health goals when a group effort is put forth each minute.

After taking part in those last-minute activities, grade them as a group. Pick out the events that were the best or not so exciting. Make a list of the activities that you'd like to try again in the coming year. These experiences can be prioritized next year as you add to the list of family-focused fitness excitement.

5 Ways Your Brain Benefits From Physical Exercise

Throughout the years, much research has suggested that exercise can encourage excellent physical and mental health. Even though movement is also referred to as medicine for the mind, most of us do not completely understand the ways in which the brain can benefit from exercise. The key is to have a daily exercise routine that is not too rigorous because engaging in strenuous activity can actually damage your memory circuits. Here are the five main advantages of exercising to improve your brain health at aged 50 and over. 

Improves Mood
Exercise has long been shown to improve mood by reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. When you exercise regularly, the body increases the production of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These brain chemicals are crucial to maintaining a happy mood. The absent of these brain chemicals may result in depression and anxiety, which can ultimately lead to memory problems, concentration issues, and low energy levels. One study performed by researchers at Duke University concluded that those who engaged in frequent physical activity improved their moods just as much as people who are regularly taking the prescription drug Zoloft. 

Reduces Stress

When your body produces more endorphins, you are likely to be less stress. Therefore, people who exercise often may experience less stress than sedentary individuals. Studies have indicated that regular physical activity can significantly lower cortisol levels. This stress hormone has also been linked to forgetfulness and slow/irrational thinking, so low levels of cortisol may actually improve memory as well as decrease stress. The next time that you feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day activities, simply engage in activities with movement to put your mind at ease. A few examples of great activities include yoga, dancing, walking, running, and more. 

Enhances Cognitive Function
Many researchers have found that regular exercise is essential for optimal cognitive capabilities. In order to function to your fullest potential, the brain requires certain chemicals and a constant supply of oxygen. Physical activity promotes healthy blood vessels that are able to deliver these chemicals and oxygen to the brain properly. The result is the ability to think faster, remember information, and concentrate longer. In general, exercisers of any age can enjoy these benefits of great cognitive function. 

Stimulates Brain Growth

Since the production of new brain cells tend to decrease as we age, it's important that we exercise to increase brain volume. Known as the hippocampus, this part of the brain can grow in size with frequent exercise. The hippocampus is the area of the brain where memory and learning is processed. Additionally, Brain-derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF is often produced when physical activity has improved. BDNF is responsible for the stimulation of brain cells. In fact, an increase in cardiovascular fitness will generate more brain cells that may be able to slow signs of aging by providing the brain with oxygen. 

Provides Energy

Frequent physical activity like short walks and jogs can increase the production of mitochondria. These cellular structures provide our muscles and our brains with energy. As a result, those who exercise tend to be more productive then their sedentary peers. This is especially true in the workplace where regular exercisers often have the best time management skills and great work performance. Even simple activities like washing dishes, vacuuming, and stepping up the stairs can produce more energy on a cellular level. 

Not only is exercise a great way to get in shape, build strong bones, and improve nightly sleep, your brain can also greatly benefit from the activity. Optimal brain health will drastically decrease the chances of memory problems as we age.
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