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Showing posts with label men. Show all posts

Men Can Also Get Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know

Breast cancer is understandably connected to women because of their anatomical figures. Millions of women march and fight against this ailment each year, but there are a small percentage of men dealing with the same issue. Men breast cancer is a serious disease that's often overlooked by both patients and their caregivers. As you enter your retirement years, it's time to cast a light on this ailment that can be life threatening.

Breast Tissue Defined

A common misconception is that men have no breast tissue at all. However, both males and females start out with very similar structures as fetuses and children. Hitting puberty is where the differences begin. Women develop their breasts while males continue with flat chests. Within the male chest is a mixture of ducts and stroma, which are conduits and fatty tissue, respectively. Males can have some lobules, but they're normally small in number because these features produce milk in pregnant women. Because of the specific tissues present in every male, men can get breast cancer as their bodies mature into the senior years.

The Lymph Connection

Men and women don't differ very greatly when it comes to the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes and vessels between them move waste products in and out of the surrounding tissues. This system essentially maintains a clean body. However, it can also create a conduit for cancer cells. Lymph nodes dot the male chest where a line of nodes extends in a diagonal fashion from the armpit and into the collarbone. Another node collection stretches vertically above the sternum bone. If cancerous growths occur within male breast tissue, the mutated cells can quickly travel into the lymphatic system and into the rest of the body. Doctors are always concerned about lymphatic involvement for both men and women if cancer is detected at the breast tissue.

Lumps and Possible Pain

Men should be aware if there's cancer in their family's history. Whether the ailment struck males or females, any cancer fights should be considered as risk factors in your life. Be aware of any unusual growths across the chest. These areas may not be tender or painful at all. Other men notice some throbbing in these affected regions. If you're questioning any tissue in the chest area, bring it up to your doctor. Further tests can clarify the situation.

Stigma With Male Breast Cancer

A major concern for men when it comes to breast cancer is the stigma associated with it. It's considered a women's ailment so overlooking a possible diagnosis by avoiding the doctor is all too common. Men might wait until a lump is entirely obvious or when discharge releases from the nipple region. Waiting out this time period can mean the difference between a benign and malignant diagnosis. Men must feel comfortable with their doctors in order to point out concerns before they worsen.

Be observant about every part of your body, including the chest area. Give yourself exams where you press on the skin and underlying tissue each month. Men can get breast cancer so catching it early on is the key to a long life. There's so much more in life to enjoy as retirement stretches on for several decades.
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