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Showing posts with label benefits. Show all posts

The Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a remarkably popular spice that has been utilized as a medicine by people in many nations throughout the world. In addition, this spice is highly prized for its remarkable culinary qualities. Because of its uniquely sweet and earthy taste, this spice is used in a wide variety of recipes. According to impartial food researchers, cinnamon powder (CP) may provide a number of excellent health benefits. 

Reportedly, CP contains a lot of natural chemicals called antioxidants. One major theory of aging holds that the aging process is caused by the proliferation of free radicals in the body. Because they eliminate free radicals, antioxidants are thought to slow down the rate of your aging. While not all scientists agree with the free radical theory, this theory has a fair amount of acceptance in modern medicine. CP is derived from the bark of the cinnamomum tree. Specific, beneficial compounds in CP include cinnamic acid and cinnamaldehyde. Other CP components include flavonoids and phenolic acids. Due to its unique chemical makeup, CP can boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. CP may potentially reduce your risk for contracting heart disease, diabetes and several types of cancer. 

CP contains a number of important vitamins and minerals. These include Vitamin K, iron and a whole lot of manganese. Because CP is a strong-tasting spice packed with a lot of beneficial things, a bit of this spice can go a very long way. Dietitians report that you can see benefits from as little as one half teaspoon of CP per day. Further benefits of CP intake include better digestion and more normal blood sugar levels. Researchers have claimed that of all the commonly used foods and spices, CP is one of the most diverse. To date, scientists have isolated over 40 protective compounds within this delicious food. Arguably, CP is even better for your health than celebrated spices like garlic and oregano. 

If you're already a fan of CP, you'll be happy to know there are hundreds of popular recipes that include this food. Along with other foods known to reduce oxidative stress, CP is commonly called a "superfood." Other foods in this category include red wine, dark chocolate and many types of berries. Of course, superfoods are only beneficial if they are used in moderation. It is particularly important for people to consume plenty of antioxidants if they are over the age of 45. Though there a variety of ways you can improve your diet, the benefits of consuming CP should not be underestimated.

Arguably, people need more information about the benefits and properties of various foods. If necessary, we should be willing to devote public funds to dietary research. After all, poor diet contributes to quite a few public health issues. Every year, taxpayers must foot the bill to treat millions of cases of diabetes, heart disease and hypertension. People need access to plentiful, accurate information to make better dietary choices. Public and private institutions should come together to promote the use of CP and other foods with demonstrably beneficial properties. Although eating right is a personal responsibility, it's not a bad idea to nudge people in the right direction.

5 Ways Your Brain Benefits From Physical Exercise

Throughout the years, much research has suggested that exercise can encourage excellent physical and mental health. Even though movement is also referred to as medicine for the mind, most of us do not completely understand the ways in which the brain can benefit from exercise. The key is to have a daily exercise routine that is not too rigorous because engaging in strenuous activity can actually damage your memory circuits. Here are the five main advantages of exercising to improve your brain health at aged 50 and over. 

Improves Mood
Exercise has long been shown to improve mood by reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. When you exercise regularly, the body increases the production of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These brain chemicals are crucial to maintaining a happy mood. The absent of these brain chemicals may result in depression and anxiety, which can ultimately lead to memory problems, concentration issues, and low energy levels. One study performed by researchers at Duke University concluded that those who engaged in frequent physical activity improved their moods just as much as people who are regularly taking the prescription drug Zoloft. 

Reduces Stress

When your body produces more endorphins, you are likely to be less stress. Therefore, people who exercise often may experience less stress than sedentary individuals. Studies have indicated that regular physical activity can significantly lower cortisol levels. This stress hormone has also been linked to forgetfulness and slow/irrational thinking, so low levels of cortisol may actually improve memory as well as decrease stress. The next time that you feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day activities, simply engage in activities with movement to put your mind at ease. A few examples of great activities include yoga, dancing, walking, running, and more. 

Enhances Cognitive Function
Many researchers have found that regular exercise is essential for optimal cognitive capabilities. In order to function to your fullest potential, the brain requires certain chemicals and a constant supply of oxygen. Physical activity promotes healthy blood vessels that are able to deliver these chemicals and oxygen to the brain properly. The result is the ability to think faster, remember information, and concentrate longer. In general, exercisers of any age can enjoy these benefits of great cognitive function. 

Stimulates Brain Growth

Since the production of new brain cells tend to decrease as we age, it's important that we exercise to increase brain volume. Known as the hippocampus, this part of the brain can grow in size with frequent exercise. The hippocampus is the area of the brain where memory and learning is processed. Additionally, Brain-derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF is often produced when physical activity has improved. BDNF is responsible for the stimulation of brain cells. In fact, an increase in cardiovascular fitness will generate more brain cells that may be able to slow signs of aging by providing the brain with oxygen. 

Provides Energy

Frequent physical activity like short walks and jogs can increase the production of mitochondria. These cellular structures provide our muscles and our brains with energy. As a result, those who exercise tend to be more productive then their sedentary peers. This is especially true in the workplace where regular exercisers often have the best time management skills and great work performance. Even simple activities like washing dishes, vacuuming, and stepping up the stairs can produce more energy on a cellular level. 

Not only is exercise a great way to get in shape, build strong bones, and improve nightly sleep, your brain can also greatly benefit from the activity. Optimal brain health will drastically decrease the chances of memory problems as we age.

The 3 Best Benefits of Strength Training

Regular weight training can benefit people in a number of ways. It helps increase muscle mass, prevents illness and promotes mental health.

Adults should engage in 20 to 30 minute strength training sessions at least two to three times per week. The exercises should involve all muscle groups. Studies show that, in addition to muscle mass and strength, resistance training preserves bone density and promotes vitality. Weight training improves mobility, promotes weight loss and provides relief for a variety of ailments as well as improves the recovery rate from illness. Research conducted by the National Institute of Health shows that strength training combats weakness and frailty along with their potentially debilitating consequences.

Strength, Flexibility and Stamina

As we age, our bodies naturally lose muscle mass. Men and women lose approximately 1 percent of their bone and muscle mass each year after puberty. Lifting weight counteracts this natural process and increases the size of muscles and increases bone density, which helps ward of osteoporosis. Working your muscles through a full range of motion improves your flexibility. This reduces the risk for muscle pulls and back pain. It also strengthens tendons and ligaments, which lowers the risk of back, knee and other joint injuries. Along with better body mechanics, stronger muscles help you to maintain good posture and balance, which improves stability. You can reduce your risk of falling by 40 percent. Physical exercise increases your overall energy levels and gives you more stamina. Increased muscle mass will give you more strength and endurance to perform everyday tasks like walking up stairs and carrying groceries as well as engaging in the leisure activities that you enjoy.

Improved Physical Health

Increased muscle mass boosts your metabolism and burns more calories. Along with helping you lose weight and keep it off, strength training has several other physical health benefits. It increases the level of good cholesterol and decreases the amount of bad cholesterol. This reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure as well as other cardiovascular diseases. According to the American Diabetic Association, weight training improves insulin sensitivity, which reduces the risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Resistance training also helps manage arthritis pain. Exercise keeps the muscles around the affected areas strong while it lubricates joints and reduces bone loss. It also helps to control joint pain and swelling. Regular exercise boosts the immune system helping to ward off colds, the flu and other illnesses while reducing recovery times.

Better Mental Health

Sleep problems plague millions of Americans each year. A study published by the Centers for Disease Control revealed that more than 30 percent of adults do not get enough sleep on a normal basis. Regular exercise may be the solution. Weight training promotes a good night’s sleep, which helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Restful sleep also helps improve memory and other cognitive functions. You will be more alert and in a better mood. Resistant training helps you to fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply. This will make you feel better when you wake up. Your improved body image and sense of accomplishment as your stamina and strength improve will increase your self-esteem. As you get stronger and feel better, you ability to handle stress will improve. Clinical studies show that regular exercise in one of the best tools for effectively managing stress.

Strength training should be an integral part of your overall fitness program. Speak with your doctor about an exercise regime designed for your individual needs. As you continue with the program, you will notice an improvement in your physical and emotional health, which improves your quality of life.

Importance of Staying in Shape as Moms to Be

A mom to be has a lot on her plate. She has to think about the little bundle that is on its way by getting the nursery ready, having the appropriate safety gear, preparing a birth plan, and choosing a name. Along with thinking about the best schools and pediatricians, a new mom has little time to think about her own health and fitness. However, the life of her newborn child is entirely dependent upon mom being as healthy as possible.

It may be difficult, but moms to be should continue to exercise throughout the pregnancy. Daily workouts increase blood flow, allowing for less stress, a healthier heart, and better sleep. However, when it comes to pregnancy, not all workouts are created equally. It is important for all pregnancy women to discuss any activity with their physicians when creating a safe workout plan.

Stretching and Yoga

Stretches are generally thought to be the best exercise for pregnant mothers. Simple stretches can strengthen bones, ease nerves, and lessen tension. Stretching can also help with pain relief, particularly for those women who suffer from sciatica. Yoga is thought to be an ideal activity for moms to be. Pregnant women can achieve physical and mental well-being when they practice gentle breathing exercises along with yogic poses. Pilates is another good choice that combines stretching with controlled movements that increase muscle strength, toning, and stamina.

Cardio During Pregnancy Cardiovascular activity aids a pregnant woman by allowing a continuous flow of blood to reach the fetus. Regular cardio can prepare women for childbirth by making the delivery easier, giving her a stronger heart, and helping the unborn child to be healthier. Some moms choose not to take part in cardio due to worries over safety of the activity. Good choices for this type of activity include cycling and walking. Water aerobics and swimming are excellent if weather allows. Generally, cardiovascular activities are safe as long as the mother to be does not allow her heart rate to become overly elevated. Likewise, she should make sure to warm up and cool down properly in order for joint tear prevention and to avoid muscle or ligament strains.

Strength Training in Pregnancy Pregnancy does not mean that a woman has to stop strength training. However, it may mean that she should avoid activities that are overly strenuous. Lifting hand weights, doing leg extensions, and practicing a seated chest-press are all fine choices. Most physicians recommend that pregnant women avoid lying on their back or doing stomach crunches. Instead, women should practice the plank pose, which strengthens abdominal muscles without causing harm to the unborn child. Other excellent strengthening activities include squats, wall push-ups, and lunges.

Other Benefits of Physical Activity Moms to be don't just improve their physical health when they workout. They feel better as well. Physical activity can reduce constipation, improve posture, relieve backaches, and help moms to look good, too. Kegel exercises are some of the most important that pregnant women can do before the child is born. By tightening and releasing the pelvic floor, delivery may be easier and there may be a smaller risk of developing tears.

 New moms may find simply getting out of bed to be exhausting. However, pregnant mothers should try to find activities that keep them moving as much as their doctors will allow. As long as they drink fluids and watch their heart rate, they will find that the benefits of being fit while pregnant is worth the effort.
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