Cats Lower Your Stress Level
If you are looking for a way to improve your heart health, owning a cat just might be what the doctor ordered. Studies show that petting a cat when you are feeling stressed or anxious can almost instantly lower your anxiety level.
Cat Owners Sleep Better
Stuides in the UK have shown that women who sleep with their cats in bed at night are more likely to get restful sleep for longer. Cats can give you a sense of calm and companionship, which helps you to relax and fall asleep faster. Getting an adequate amount of sleep at night is important for a wide range of health conditions.
Cats Might Boost Your Immune System
From getting exposure to cat hair and other associated dander, you can reduce your risk of developing asthma. In addition, you may increase your resistance to allergens later in life.
Cats Reduce Your Risk of Stroke
Studies have proven that cat owners are less likely to suffer from a stroke. Because cats require relatively little maintenance as pets, cat owners are able to get all of the benefits of companionship from cats without having to invest significant time and energy into caring for them. This is one of the reasons why cats make for sure a great pet for elderly people or those who have limited mobility.
Cats Can Improve Your Socialization
It is very important to stay connected to others as you age. Owning a cat is a common bond that you can nurture with new friends to give you a natural conversation starter. Making sure that you seek out the company of others is important because it keeps you mentally stimulated and helps prevent depression. This can be difficult for adults with social anxiety. Cats may help to reduce social anxiety in group situations.
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