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The Truth About Panic Attacks and Their Effects on the Body

Human beings automatically react to a stressful situation by becoming mentally and physically prepared to defend themselves or flee the situation. Known as “fight or flight” reactions, it is a normal reaction to any situation and is what has kept humans safe since the beginning of time. However, anxiety often causes people to remain in this heightened sense of preparedness and that can have a physical toll on your body.

Anxiety and Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is the stress hormone released by your body to help you become more “aware” of a situation. High levels of cortisol in your body for extended periods of time can lead to:
• Heart disease and heart problems
• High blood pressure
• Weight gain without being able to lose weight
• Insomnia

High cortisol levels are also being studied at this time for connection with other serious diseases.

Anxiety And Gastrointestinal Disorders

In a recent study conducted at Harvard Medical, researchers discovered that people who suffer with high anxiety levels are also at a much higher risk for suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and similar disorders. Researchers also found that those who suffered with high anxiety levels were 30 percent more likely to suffer from these conditions at a more severe level. More hospitalizations and medical care was required for those suffering with gastrointestinal disorders who also suffered from anxiety.

Anxiety and Respiratory Disorders

Doctors have recently discovered that people who have anxiety often have trouble with their respiratory system more often than those who do not. Studies are currently being conducted to determine if this is because the anxiety causes the lung area to constrict more often than normal which in turn causes damage. 

Doctors already understand that people who suffer from asthma and COPD and have anxiety issues are more likely to suffer more severe attacks or be hospitalized from their condition. 

Anxiety and Heart Disease

Two separate studies, one conducted by a group of Canadian Universities and one by Harvard Medical show that people who have heart disease will experience worse symptoms and are more likely to have a heart attack when anxiety is present.

Both of these studies showed that women were more likely to suffer from more severe heart problems when heart disease and anxiety were combined. The study also showed that people who suffer high anxiety from phobias as opposed to other forms of anxiety like PTSD suffered the greatest side effects when anxiety and heart disease were combined.

Treating Anxiety

Everyone experiences bouts of anxiety. Doctors normally do not consider anxiety a problem unless it has continually lasted for over six months and the anxiety is causing interruptions in your life. 

Treatments for anxiety can include many different therapies. Medication may not be necessary and many people can overcome their anxieties through therapy sessions and behavioral changes. Many people can even overcome anxiety by learning relaxation techniques such as meditation.

It is very important, however, that you seek help for anxiety. Anxiety not only can cause mental health distress for you, it can also cause physical health problems. Once these additional issues arise, the anxiety can be intensified and the problems will only become worse.

If you only experience anxiety in certain situations, try learning some relaxation techniques to help relieve the symptoms. This may come as meditation, relaxing with a hobby, or even simply taking a nice afternoon nap. If you cannot find a way to decrease your anxiety speak to someone and ask for help.
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