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Showing posts with label levels. Show all posts

The Powers Of Vitamin D

How Can You Increase Your Body’s Vitamin D Levels? 

Today, researchers are learning more about the powers of vitamin D. This nutrient is found in several foods, and when you are exposed to sunlight, your body also manufactures vitamin D. Some of the foods that contain vitamin D include:

• Egg yolks
• Cheese
• Beef liver
• Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna

In addition to eating these foods, you should go outside frequently to expose your skin to sunlight. It is nearly impossible for you to get enough vitamin D naturally, so many physicians recommend taking dietary supplements. If you live in an area of the world where there isn’t enough daily sunlight, then taking vitamin D tablets or capsules is imperative. 

Seven Ways That Vitamin D Can Improve Your Well-being

1: Keeping Your Teeth, Bones and Muscles Stronger

Vitamin D is essential for the health of your teeth and bones because it regulates the absorption of phosphorous and calcium. When a child doesn’t ingest enough vitamin D, she will develop rickets, leading to softer bones. The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include having pain in the bones of the spine, pelvis, legs and arms. In addition, you will have poor muscle strength and delayed tooth formation. 

2: Controlling Blood Sugar When You Have Diabetes Mellitus 

By increasing your body’s vitamin D levels, you can have more insulin resistance to avoid developing diabetes mellitus. If you are already diabetic, then talk to your physician about taking vitamin D dietary supplements. 

3: Preventing Certain Types of Cancer

If you have more vitamin D in your bloodstream, then you are less likely to develop colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer primarily affects adults over the age of 50. Most colorectal cancer begins with polyps in the bowel that become cancerous. 

4: Protecting You From Heart Disease

New research indicates that if you have a vitamin D deficiency, then you are more likely to have heart disease or other cardiovascular conditions. Some of the conditions that you might develop from lack of vitamin D include high blood pressure or peripheral artery disease. 

5: Boosting Your Immune System

It is important to have more vitamin D to boost your immune system. Scientific studies show that your body produces over 200 peptides to fight against the microbes that can make you ill when you have a high level of vitamin D in your bloodstream. 

6: Improving Your Overall Mood

If you don’t have enough vitamin D in your body, then you can become depressed. If you are feeling sad, then go outside to have more exposure to sunlight or buy a specialized lamp that creates simulated sunlight. In addition, consume more foods that contain vitamin D or take vitamin D supplements. 

7: Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

When you have Alzheimer’s disease, you may also have low levels of vitamin D in your blood. You can increase your body’s vitamin D levels by spending more time outside in the sunlight or taking a dietary supplement to maintain your brain’s cognitive functions. 

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