There is now strong scientific evidence that positive thinking can help you to live a longer and better quality life. You may have heard that positive thoughts are good for you before, but now you have a real reason to make a choice to think positively each day. Positive thinking has been shown to help prevent depression and reduce anxiety in adults. It can do much more than help you to reach your goals. It can actually reduce your blood pressure levels, which is critical in reducing your risk of developing heart disease. If you need more reasons to think happy thoughts, keep reading below.
On the other hand, negative thinking can have a very direct impact on your overall health. Having chronically high levels of stress can create inflammation in your body over time. With higher levels of inflammation, you are more likely to suffer from a variety of diseases, and you will also be more likely to show signs of aging sooner. People who are less likely to have high levels of stress will have lower levels of inflammation in their body and be less susceptible to disease and illness.
One way that you can start to more effectively manage your stress is to find coping mechanisms that allow you to better deal with the stress-producing things that come up during any given day. Journaling is a very popular way to manage stress by helping you to compartmentalize the triggers of your stress and give you a better idea of how you are handling them on a daily basis. Before you express your negative thoughts, being able to write them down in a journal gives you a healthier way to process them that does not lead to constant frustration and anger. This can be excellent for keeping your blood pressure at a manageable level.
People who are more optimistic are also less likely to get sick as often. One of the reasons for this is that when you are having negative thoughts or spending a significant amount of time angry, this may leave your body with less energy left over to fight off an infection. Having constant stress can be a real drain on your immune system over time. If you are more prone to infection, this could eventually wear down your system and mean that the aging process is more debilitating for you. If you are more inclined to have a positive outlook and let things bounce off you, then it is less likely that you will have a weakened immune system.
Another way to keep your stress levels in check is to engage in daily exercise. Studies show that people generally feel better after they exercise, including have a more positive mental outlook. Exercise encourages feelings of self-confidence and can help to ward off the symptoms of depression. Getting regular exercise is a way to boost your mental function as well, which can help you stay alert and engaged as you age. If you are able to incorporate social interaction into your daily workouts, this is another way to increase the positive benefits from getting exercise.
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