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Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Four Trends in Fitness That Will Be Huge in 2018


Arguably, there has never been a time when our society was more fascinated by fitness. People increasingly realize that you need to have a sensible diet to lose extra weight. Nevertheless, most people also realize that exercise is crucial for living a longer, healthier life. Here are three trends in fitness that should prove influential in the coming year:

1. Group Fitness Coaching
Group coaching gives you access to a certified trainer without unduly burdening your budget. As gyms have reached a saturation point throughout many communities, group coaching has taken on new importance within the fitness industry. In fact, a large proportion of new gyms are exclusively focused around group training, which is one of the most dynamic modern trends in fitness. 

Though gyms have always offered classes, the evolving paradigm for group coaching represents a new level of sophistication on the part of coaches and participants alike. People now have access to highly specialized group sessions that are tailored to their specific needs. You can now find coaching gyms in smaller communities that might have been lucky to have any gyms at all in previous decades. 

2. Wearable Fitness Devices 
Even though wearable fitness aids aren't new, it seems that wearables will soon achieve an extraordinary new level of mass acceptance throughout society. Although Adidas has announced they intend to stop making wearable fitness devices, a number of other manufacturers are prepping new devices with remarkable new features. Apple has announced that they will launch a feature called Heart Study for the Apple Watch. According to the sparse details currently available, Heart Study will analyze your personal data to detect oddities in your heart rhythms. As the reigning king of wearable fitness technology, Fitbit is also facing a lot of pressure to up its game in 2018. All signs point to 2018 being an exciting year for fitness wearables.

3. Body Weight Routines 
Just ten years ago, it seemed perfectly normal to work a scheduled eight-hour shift and head to the gym immediately after work. In this era of gigs, part-time jobs and economic uncertainty, it can be hard to have a consistent fitness schedule. In 2018, people will increasingly look for ways to train their bodies without the use of any equipment at all. This type of exercise fits the "less is more" ethos of the times. 

4. Yoga
Of all the body weight regimens that are popular today, yoga is one of the most versatile. Although this Indian health practice is thousands of years old, yoga remains a hip, of-the-moment method of fitness development. As yoga's popularity demonstrates, some trends in fitness seem to get more entrenched every year. Though you don't have to have any particular beliefs to engage with yoga, the meditation that is integral to yoga can provide genuine relief for a troubled soul.

Use Short Online Workouts to Sneak In Fitness

If you're a busy modern person, you may have difficulties finding time in your schedule to go to the gym. Whatever your age or your lifestyle, it is likely that you struggle to balance your desire to be fit with your other priorities. Fortunately, quite a few trained fitness instructors are posting short workout videos online. Some of these workouts are so short you can complete them in 10 or 20 minutes. Using convenient videos in this category, it is possible to sneak in online workouts during odd time slots that might otherwise go to waste. 

Crucially, you don't need any kind of prior training or knowledge to exploit online workouts successfully. The best of these workouts are apt to include full instructions on form, reps and body mechanics. Better yet, these workouts often feature related exercises that fulfill specific, practical purposes. For example, one video might be designed to aid flexibility and balance. A workout of this type could prove particularly useful for older people who need to avoid injury as they age. Other workouts might focus on weight loss or strength training.

Engaging in multiple short workouts might have advantageous effects on your metabolism. During and after any exercise session, your metabolism rises appreciably. So if you work out three times per day, this gives you a considerable metabolic advantage. This is important if your workouts are focused on weight loss. It's worth noting that exercising for weight loss only makes sense if you are eating a healthy diet. Exercise isn't very useful for slimming down unless you maintain a good diet high in proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates. 

You're likely well familiar with the physical benefits of working out. Possibly, you've read that working out lowers your anxiety and increases your general sense of well-being. However, you may not realize that recent research has linked short workout sessions with boosted willpower. According to this research, even one isolated, short workout can help you exercise greater willpower throughout the rest of your day. Knowing this can certainly help people find the motivation to engage in small workouts whenever possible. Armed with this new knowledge, you may even learn to look forward to your next short workout. After all, it can be hard to get motivated for one workout if you feel that you need to exercise for weeks to see concrete improvements to your body. Whenever you start a new workout routine, you should exercise plenty of caution. If you push yourself too hard during online workouts, you risk experiencing disheartening injury.

5 Last Minute Summer Activities for Fitness Focused Families

The summer may be winding down, but that fact doesn't mean that the activity levels have to dwindle. There are many last minute activities that can be part of your family's life when you match up local events to your personal likes and dislikes. When you have a fitness-focused family, concentrate on these top five activities that will leave your summer full of memories for the rest of your life.

One Last Mountain Trip

The surrounding mountains may beckon you to explore their contours so heed the call in the fading light of the summer. Many mountains are only a few short hours away. Pack up the car with every essential, such as picnic supplies and recreational items, so that everyone has a good time. You might hike along marked trails or relax by a babbling brook. Water sports are often part of a mountain retreat, which allows you to rent equipment as necessary. Staying active is incredibly easy with so many pastimes available in mountainous areas.

Biking at Favorite Parks

If you don't have the time to head up to the mountains, look for a park that's nearby. Ride over or bring your bikes because so much more can be seen from the seat of your bicycle. The entire family can ride along to see the scenery. Feed ducks, explore hidden areas behind trees and set up a private picnic for everyone. You won't notice that exercise is part of the day. Biking is a great workout for your cardiovascular system and legs. If you tend to stand up as you bike, you'll also give those arms a workout. 

Impromptu Sports Games

Relatively large families can create their own sports competitions at the park or in the backyard. Choose a sport that everyone enjoys, including volleyball, baseball or soccer. Go over the game rules, especially if there are any changes to note. Create teams, and start up this last-minute activity. You might make a habit of these competitions each week until the fall. The group setting encourages healthy relationships while everyone receives a solid workout. 

Take the sports games to the park or beach too. A change in landscape forms a challenge for everyone playing the game. Contours across the ground make you work harder for that goal or play every time.

Fishing Out on the Water

Fishing is both a skill and sport that can be thrilling out on the water. Rent a boat so that you can head out to the middle of a lake or deeper into the ocean. Both kids and adults benefit from fishing because it takes some energy to cast and pull the line through the water. The real effort occurs when a fish is on the line. Everyone can pull that heavy fish out of the water. Depending on the region, you'll see and catch various fish species. 

As an alternative, remain on shore for some fly fishing. Casting a long line into the water is both fun and fitness-oriented. The kids can help with the lures and bait too. Being outdoors is one of the best ways to stay fit as you focus on the task at hand.

Refining Those Sports Skills

The children or grandchildren may participate in sports at their schools in the fall. Take the last few days of summer to practice those sports skills. Throw a ball, run a mile and refine those skills so that tryouts are a breeze. Fitness-focused families can achieve almost any health goals when a group effort is put forth each minute.

After taking part in those last-minute activities, grade them as a group. Pick out the events that were the best or not so exciting. Make a list of the activities that you'd like to try again in the coming year. These experiences can be prioritized next year as you add to the list of family-focused fitness excitement.

Kickboxing and How it Can Change Your Fitness

As an older adult, you might be wary about taking on an exercise that involves the word "boxing." However, the sport of kickboxing has seen some growth in the older generations. There are numerous benefits to this exercise, including stress relief. Discover the world of kickboxing, and how it can change your fitness level in only a few sessions.

Flexibility Improvements

Kickboxing requires you to use your core, arms and legs in a coordinated effort. You'll perform these movements with a lot of repetition involved. As a result, you'll have greater flexibility with each workout. Your muscles, tendons and ligaments will soon become accustomed to stretching and moving in certain directions. Because you're more flexible, your body can bounce back from injury better than before. Reaching for an item across the table is simple, and it won't involve a strain that can occur when you're tight and out of shape.

Heart-Centered Workouts

As you kick and punch throughout a session, your heart receives a HIIT workout. High intensity interval training involves intense exercise combined with relaxed movements as you move the heartbeat up and down. Because you're working the heart out, you're achieving cardiovascular goals. Working this muscle only preserves its strength as you enter your 50s and 60s. The blood vessels respond too with stronger walls than before. Because heart disease is a widespread ailment, protecting your heart with a good, kickboxing workout is a smart way to live a long life.

Natural Fall Protection

Kickboxing involves coordination between your mind and muscles. You're actually creating new pathways for signals to move across the nerve synapses. Because of this nerve-signal strength, you have a better chance at avoiding falls. Losing your balance and falling is one of the major reasons why seniors have failing health. Those falls result in broken hips and other ailments. When you participate in kickboxing, your body has more control between the mind and limbs. If you lose your balance, it's easier to catch yourself before an ultimate fall to the ground.

Muscle Growth Across the Body

As you age, muscle tone naturally declines unless you workout on a regular basis. Kickboxing is a great way to build that muscle once again. Striking a target with your arms and legs creates a resistance against your muscles. The tissues respond by developing more muscle for your next session. By participating in regular workout sessions, the muscle will build. You'll have a toned appearance without any bulk. Strong muscles lead to denser bones, which ultimately help you live well into your 70s and 80s.

Weight-Loss Perks

Each kickboxing session can last an hour or longer. During these sessions, you're using and building muscle. The result of your efforts is weight loss. You'll gain muscle while losing fat. When you enter the retirement years, you want less fat because excess tissue can lead to chronic conditions, such as diabetes. Eat a healthy diet so that your muscles can perform during these kickboxing sessions. The fat will seem to melt away as you gain strength and agility. A lean frame is associated with fewer ailments in the senior years.

Kickboxing classes are usually offered several times during the week based on experience levels. Look for beginning classes along with any senior sessions. The popularity of this sport is slowly rising, and it's not unusual for a senior class to be held several times a week. Get to know this sport so that you can kick your way to good health.

Not a Morning Exerciser? You Will Be if you Follow these Tips

Many people like to plan their workouts for the evening hours – what’s wrong with a little more time to sleep before starting a busy day? However, as we all know, things tend to come up that we haven’t planned for. Happy hours, work-related issues, or maybe even a romantic date could put your workout plans on the backburner. Besides, it’s easy to become unmotivated throughout the day when the idea of Netflix and sweatpants sounds a lot better than the treadmill.

If this is something that happens to you, your only solution may be to start working out in the AM. Sounds easy, right? Not so much. It’s a lot easier to hit the snooze button and sleep in than lace up your sneakers and hit the gym. So, how do people reset their bodies and get up for 5am workouts? Here are some lifestyle changes to consider to help you become a new morning person. Early bird gets the worm!

Eat Healthy Dinners
According to Noah Neiman, master trainer at Barry’s Bootcamp in New York City, the meal you eat the evening before a morning workout will affect how you feel. Heavy, rich meals will make you feel sluggish and unmotivated, while lean proteins, vegetables and healthy fats will make you feel energized. Leslie Bonci, RD, founder of Active Eating Advice and the director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, recommended that meals are eaten 90 minutes prior to going to bed. This allows your stomach to digest the food before hitting the hay. Bonci also recommended snacking on melatonin-rich roods before bedtime (try walnuts or cherries). Melatonin is linked to helping people fall asleep faster.

Go to Bed Earlier
Experts recommend 7 to 8 hours of sleep, so naturally it’s easier to wake up if this amount is met. Joe Holder, Nike+ trainer and Nike Run coach, explained that the body has an internal circadian rhythm that you should try not to interrupt. Limit screen time before turning in. The blue light is linked to affecting the ability to fall asleep.

Give Yourself Some Motivation
If you’ve got a new playlist you’re looking forward to listening to, you’ll be more excited to wake up in the morning hours. Self-motivation is the strongest form of motivation, according to Neiman. The body will adapt to your new workout times and respond to the stimulus you present it.

Find a Workout Buddy
Make plans to meet a friend at the gym to hold you accountable – you’ll be far less likely to bail if someone is waiting for you!


Set out your gym clothes the night before, and make a pre-exercise snack that you can grab. Set up your coffee pot to start brewing, so once you’re up, everything is easy for you.
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