Not a Morning Exerciser? You Will Be if you Follow these Tips

Not a Morning Exerciser? You Will Be if you Follow these Tips

Many people like to plan their workouts for the evening hours – what’s wrong with a little more time to sleep before starting a busy day? However, as we all know, things tend to come up that we haven’t planned for. Happy hours, work-related issues, or maybe even a romantic date could put your workout plans on the backburner. Besides, it’s easy to become unmotivated throughout the day when the idea of Netflix and sweatpants sounds a lot better than the treadmill.

If this is something that happens to you, your only solution may be to start working out in the AM. Sounds easy, right? Not so much. It’s a lot easier to hit the snooze button and sleep in than lace up your sneakers and hit the gym. So, how do people reset their bodies and get up for 5am workouts? Here are some lifestyle changes to consider to help you become a new morning person. Early bird gets the worm!

Eat Healthy Dinners
According to Noah Neiman, master trainer at Barry’s Bootcamp in New York City, the meal you eat the evening before a morning workout will affect how you feel. Heavy, rich meals will make you feel sluggish and unmotivated, while lean proteins, vegetables and healthy fats will make you feel energized. Leslie Bonci, RD, founder of Active Eating Advice and the director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, recommended that meals are eaten 90 minutes prior to going to bed. This allows your stomach to digest the food before hitting the hay. Bonci also recommended snacking on melatonin-rich roods before bedtime (try walnuts or cherries). Melatonin is linked to helping people fall asleep faster.

Go to Bed Earlier
Experts recommend 7 to 8 hours of sleep, so naturally it’s easier to wake up if this amount is met. Joe Holder, Nike+ trainer and Nike Run coach, explained that the body has an internal circadian rhythm that you should try not to interrupt. Limit screen time before turning in. The blue light is linked to affecting the ability to fall asleep.

Give Yourself Some Motivation
If you’ve got a new playlist you’re looking forward to listening to, you’ll be more excited to wake up in the morning hours. Self-motivation is the strongest form of motivation, according to Neiman. The body will adapt to your new workout times and respond to the stimulus you present it.

Find a Workout Buddy
Make plans to meet a friend at the gym to hold you accountable – you’ll be far less likely to bail if someone is waiting for you!


Set out your gym clothes the night before, and make a pre-exercise snack that you can grab. Set up your coffee pot to start brewing, so once you’re up, everything is easy for you.
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