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Showing posts with label understanding. Show all posts

Understanding What Happens When You Cut Out Processed Foods

You may want to eliminate processed foods from your daily diet plan in order to improve your overall health. Foods that are processed are altered by a variety of methods, including adding artificial chemicals such as dyes, flavor enhancers or preservatives. In addition, the process of altering foods can include heating, freezing or drying methods. Some foods are processed by adding sodium, salt or fat to change the flavor of the items or to lengthen its shelf life. Today, the majority of foods in a supermarket are processed, so it isn't easy to avoid these foods, but if you do, then you will notice healthy changes in your body. 

Change 1: A Decrease Of Your Blood Pressure

Foods that are processed are typically high in sodium. This additive is used to keep foods fresh during shipping and while the items are stored in warehouses. If you read the labels on food packages, then you will notice several names for salt or sodium, including: 

• Baking powder
• Baking soda
• Disodium phosphate

Experts recommend eating only a small amount of sodium each day, and the best way to do this by eating natural unprocessed foods. 

Change 2: You Will Have Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Manufacturers also add a lot of sugar to foods to preserve the items and to change the flavor of fruits, vegetables and meat. Sugar also has numerous names such as:

• Dextrose 
• Brown rice syrup
• Molasses 
• Corn syrup
• Barley malt

If you are diabetic, then reducing your sugar consumption is essential to control your blood sugar levels. 

Change 3: Reduction In Body Inflammation

If you suffer from arthritis or fibromyalgia, then reducing your body's inflammation can help you to feel better. The chemicals that manufacturers add to foods can lead to allergic responses that include pain in the joints, muscles and tendons. After switching to a natural diet, your body begins to eliminate the artificial ingredients that are in processed foods, and within a few weeks, you will notice a reduction in your body pain.

Change 4: An Improvement In Your Mental Mood

When you are eating a lot of foods that are filled with chemicals, it can affect your mood, leading to depression or anxiety. By consuming a cleaner diet of natural unprocessed foods, you can improve your mood. No one really understands how the additives in foods can affect your mind, so if you have a mood disorder, then try changing to a natural diet to see if it helps you to feel better. 

Understanding Parkinson's Disease

A progressive illness affecting the central nervous system, Parkinson’s disease is a chronic movement disorder. Nearly 1 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with the illness. While the cause is unknown, experts believe that it is triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The disorder causes vital nerve cells in the brain to die or malfunction. The result is a drop in the level of dopamine, a brain chemical that controls normal movement. The disorder may progress slowly or rapidly depending upon the individual. Potential risk factors include age, genetics and exposure to environmental toxins. The condition is also more likely to afflict men.

As the disease progresses, each person experiences a different combination of symptoms, including speech changes, sluggish movement and tremors, or shaking, in the hands, feet or limbs. Other signs of the neurological disorder are rigid muscles, stooped posture and balance issues as well as swinging your arms asymmetrically while walking and the loss of automatic movements like blinking. The symptoms usually appear on one side of your body and worsen in that region as the disease spreads to the other side. Parkinson’s disease can lead to several complications, such as difficulties in your ability to think, swallow and sleep. It also causes fatigue, bladder problems and constipation. Early signs are generally overlooked. You should see a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Medical tests can diagnose the illness as well as rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.

Living with the disease can also lead to depression. Parkinson’s disease can be particularly difficult because the difficulty in walking, talking and eating can be frustrating. While antidepressants can help, friends, family or a support group can also be beneficial. People who understand what you are going through can help ease your burdens. Lifestyle choices like eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can strengthen your body. In addition to helping manage symptoms, diet and exercise ward off anxiety and depression while reducing the risk of falling.

Although there is no cure for the disorder, the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can be controlled with medications. In some cases, your doctor may recommend surgery to help control certain parts of your brain to improve your symptoms. Along with massage, tai chi and yoga can loosen tight muscles and improve your flexibility and balance. You may also benefit from occupational therapy that shows you techniques that make daily activities easier. Working closely with your doctor to find a beneficial treatment plan will improve your quality of life.
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