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Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts

Could This Be The Reason You're Losing Hair?

Losing hair on the scalp is emotionally traumatic for women and men, but there are several reasons why this problem occurs. There are numerous reasons why you can suffer from hair loss, and there are often ways to overcome a hair loss problem. Consider these reasons for extensive hair loss so that you can learn to accept the condition, or alternatively, you can understand how to treat the condition. 

Hair Loss Reason 1: Your Own Genetics 

Genetics is the most common reason for hair loss, especially in males. This is called male-pattern baldness, and it tends to occur on the crown of the head or near the forehead. You can’t change your body's genetic structure, but you can use specialized shampoo or other products to encourage new hair growth. It is also possible to undergo a surgical procedure to move hair follicles from another area of your body onto your scalp. 

Hair Loss Reason 2: Poor Daily Nutrition

If you are losing more hair than normal, then maybe you are eating a poor daily diet. A well-rounded diet plan includes all of the food groups so that you will get enough minerals and vitamins to maintain the health of your hair and hair follicles. When you are losing too much hair, begin to eat more biotin-rich foods such as:

• Meat
• Milk
• Eggs
• Whole grains
• Nuts

You can also take dietary supplements that contain biotin to improve the condition of your hair follicles and hair. 

Hair Loss Reason 3: Too Much Stress

When you are experiencing too much stress, your body releases cortisol or other detrimental chemicals. These chemicals change the health of your body, and you might lose a lot of hair. If you have too much stress at work or home, then you must change your lifestyle so that your body won’t create chemicals that cause you to lose too much hair. 

Hair Loss Reason 4: Is Your Thyroid Functioning Normally?

If you have a thyroid problem, then losing hair is a major symptom of either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. When you suspect that your thyroid gland isn’t functioning normally, your physician can perform a physical examination and collect blood to test at a laboratory. With fast treatment for thyroid disease, it is possible to begin growing more hair on your scalp. 

Hair Loss Reason 5: Changes In Your Hormone Levels

When you are female, your hormone levels can fluctuate widely due to your menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause. However, if you are losing hair from your scalp, you should schedule an appointment with a physician to determine if you have an underlying heath problem such as ovarian cysts that can affect your hormone levels. 

Hair Loss Reason 6: Do You Have Anemia?

If you are anemic, then your body will divert its oxygen and healthy blood to your vital organs rather than your hair follicles. This can lead to hair loss on your scalp and other areas of your body. Anemia is often caused by not eating enough iron-rich foods, but it is also a sign of other health issues that may require medical treatment. 

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