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Showing posts with label four. Show all posts

Four Trends in Fitness That Will Be Huge in 2018


Arguably, there has never been a time when our society was more fascinated by fitness. People increasingly realize that you need to have a sensible diet to lose extra weight. Nevertheless, most people also realize that exercise is crucial for living a longer, healthier life. Here are three trends in fitness that should prove influential in the coming year:

1. Group Fitness Coaching
Group coaching gives you access to a certified trainer without unduly burdening your budget. As gyms have reached a saturation point throughout many communities, group coaching has taken on new importance within the fitness industry. In fact, a large proportion of new gyms are exclusively focused around group training, which is one of the most dynamic modern trends in fitness. 

Though gyms have always offered classes, the evolving paradigm for group coaching represents a new level of sophistication on the part of coaches and participants alike. People now have access to highly specialized group sessions that are tailored to their specific needs. You can now find coaching gyms in smaller communities that might have been lucky to have any gyms at all in previous decades. 

2. Wearable Fitness Devices 
Even though wearable fitness aids aren't new, it seems that wearables will soon achieve an extraordinary new level of mass acceptance throughout society. Although Adidas has announced they intend to stop making wearable fitness devices, a number of other manufacturers are prepping new devices with remarkable new features. Apple has announced that they will launch a feature called Heart Study for the Apple Watch. According to the sparse details currently available, Heart Study will analyze your personal data to detect oddities in your heart rhythms. As the reigning king of wearable fitness technology, Fitbit is also facing a lot of pressure to up its game in 2018. All signs point to 2018 being an exciting year for fitness wearables.

3. Body Weight Routines 
Just ten years ago, it seemed perfectly normal to work a scheduled eight-hour shift and head to the gym immediately after work. In this era of gigs, part-time jobs and economic uncertainty, it can be hard to have a consistent fitness schedule. In 2018, people will increasingly look for ways to train their bodies without the use of any equipment at all. This type of exercise fits the "less is more" ethos of the times. 

4. Yoga
Of all the body weight regimens that are popular today, yoga is one of the most versatile. Although this Indian health practice is thousands of years old, yoga remains a hip, of-the-moment method of fitness development. As yoga's popularity demonstrates, some trends in fitness seem to get more entrenched every year. Though you don't have to have any particular beliefs to engage with yoga, the meditation that is integral to yoga can provide genuine relief for a troubled soul.

4 Foods that Help Digestion

Before you reach for a laxative the next time you are feeling constipated or bloated, consider changing your diet to include these four foods that are known to improve overall digestion. The below food options are low in calories and allow your body to digest food more efficiently. Instead of taking a pill when you are having difficulty with digestion, you can make permanent changes to your diet that will support a healthier lifestyle.

Chia Seeds

While these small seeds may not have a full flavor, they do wonders for your help. Just two tablespoons of chia seeds a day can reduce inflammation and aid your bowel movements. Chia seeds are also an amazing source to fulfill your daily fiber needs. When you eat foods that are high in fiber, you end up feeling fuller longer, which helps you to get a grip on snacking throughout the day.

Coconut Oil

This is a great replacement for other cooking oils because it has been shown to speed up metabolism and is a very healthy fat. Its antimicrobial properties assist with digestion and can boost your energy levels in the process. Coconut oil can be ingested directly or used as a cooking substitute.


This is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Salmon has been shown to reduce bad cholesterol levels and improve heart health. The healthy oils and fats in salmon can help your body remove harmful toxins.


Ghee is a clarified version of butter that can be found in most organic food aisles. Instead of backing up the digestive process, it helps to facilitate the breakdown of food and eliminates bloat by stimulating stomach acids. It is also lower in calories and unhealthy fats and stays fresh at room temperature much longer than traditional butter can. 

4 Things You didn't Know About Allergies

4 Things You didn't Know About Allergies

Dealing with allergies is never fun. Though different symptoms manifest in different ways, allergies affect millions of Americans every year. Allergies themselves occur when the body mistakes a relatively harmless object for an unwanted invader. Whether it is plant pollen or animal dander, there are numerous allergy triggers present everywhere. Though many people know their triggers, there are still many aspects of allergies that some people are unfamiliar with. By learning more about allergies, people stand a better chance of defending themselves as the weather begins to change.

Air Conditioning Helps Reduce Triggers

Studies show that having an active air conditioner in the house or car can help you cut your exposure to pollen by upwards of 30 percent. Because the air conditioner also filters the air, unwanted contaminants are removed from your space and hurled outside. Additionally, when you have your AC on, you are much less likely to keep your windows open, which is another great way to cut down on your exposure to pollen. For people who struggle with pollen-related allergy triggers, this can mean the difference between a sudden headache and cleaner breathing.

Clean Stuffed Animals Frequently

Many people are unaware that stuffed toys and animals are massive carriers for all types of allergy triggers. Dust mites, dust particles and animal dander cling to fabrics, such as those found on most stuffed animals. If you do not want to trigger any of your allergy symptoms, be sure to give your animals a good clean once every month or so. If you live in a dustier environment, it may not hurt to clean them a little more frequently.

Dust Mites Hate Heat

When you need to wash your upholstery and sheets to keep the dust mites out, try to aim for between 120 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit when you put your fabrics in the wash. Studies show that this is the temperature that kills most dust mites and keeps them from repopulating the surface of your fabrics. Proper cleaning is one of the best ways to keep dust mites out of your home.

Even Hypoallergenic Pets May Contain Allergens

Though many hypoallergenic pets do not shed frequently and do not contribute to the indoor air pollution problem, they may still be a beacon for dust mites and dust. Keep your furry friends well-groomed and trimmed as often as is recommended, regardless of how allergen-free their fur may be.
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