5 Ways to Eat Healthier this Year and Lose Weight in the Process

5 Ways to Eat Healthier this Year and Lose Weight in the Process

Eating a healthy diet offers a huge range of health benefits. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can reduce your heart disease risk, prevent certain types of cancer and help you to maintain a healthy weight.
So, if you are looking to lose weight and just become healthier overall, then follow these quick tips for eating healthily.
1. Replace Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates, like white pasta and white bread are bad for your health. They can cause blood sugar levels to spike, and they can also lead to weight gain. Refined carbohydrates offer little nutritional benefit and they do not encourage satiety, so they are essentially empty calories.
This means that you crave more food and are much more likely to overeat. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates and whole grains, like whole-wheat bread, brown pasta and oats, are excellent for your health. They improve heart health and promote feelings of fullness, meaning you are much less likely to overeat.
2. Add More Fruit and Veg to your Plate
While meats, fish and carb-rich, fiber-rich foods provide you with a wide range of nutrients, getting more fruits and vegetables in your diet is incredibly important. But, most people don’t get enough.
At meal time, the majority of your plate should be filled with vegetables and you should replace unhealthy sweet snacks, like donuts, with fruit.
Fruits and vegetables are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which reduce cancer risk and improve cardiovascular health. As they are low in calories, fruits and vegetables can also aid in weight loss.
3. Swap Soda for Water
Soda is full of sugar, meaning that it can lead to obesity and diet soda is just as bad. This is because diet soda is filled with artificial sweeteners. These make your body crave more sugar, so lead to overeating.
Water, on the other hand, contains no calories, but hydrates your body. Research has shown that people who drink 7 cups of water per day eat 200 calories less than people that drink less than a glass. So, swap out soda for water and you will be reducing your calorie intake and making yourself healthier.

By making a few simple changes to your diet, you can ensure that you become healthier and even lose weight.
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